Official name COMSTAR 3
Alternative name Comstar 1C (D-3)
Cospar ID 1978-068A
Norad ID 10975
Launch date 1978-06-29
Launch site AFETR
Launch vehicle Atlas-SLV3D Centaur-D1AR
Country/Organization USA
Type application Communication
Operator Comsat
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 1451.59
Inclination (deg) 10.88
Perigee (km) 36008
Apogee (km) 36171
Eccentricity 0.00225827456739495
Mean motion (revs. per day) 0.992015651802506
Semi-Major axis (km) 42467.635
Raan (deg) 320.2642
Arg of perigee (deg) 300.1633
Shape Cyl
Mass (kg) 1490
Diameter (m) 2.4
Height (m) 3.5
Span (m^2) 3.5
Lifetime 7 years
Contractors Hughes
Equipment 24 C-band transponders
Propulsion SVM-4A
Configuration HS-351
Power Solar cells (body mounted), batteries

When two domestic communications satellites were launched into synchronous orbit during 1976, a new era in long distance calling began for the nation's phone customers. Relaying calls back and forth across the country, the satellites, called Comstar, were used jointly by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and GTE Satellite Corporation, a subsidiary of General Telephone and Electronics.

The spin-stabilized satellites, plus two others built by the Space and Communications Group of Hughes Aircraft Company, later Hughes Space and Communications Company, now Boeing Satellite Systems, are owned by Comsat General Corporation of Washington, D.C. Comsat General leased the entire communications capacity of the satellites to AT&T under a long-term lease. In turn, AT&T and GTE operated earth stations located at major metropolitan centers throughout the United States.

The first Comstar was launched 13 May 1976, and started commercial service in early July. Although its design life was 7 years, its operational lifetime was nearly 8 1/2 years. Comstar 2 was launched 22 July 1976, and provided 17 years of service from 76.6 degrees W longitude. The third Comstar was launched 29 June 1978, and began service in August. Comstar 3 completed nearly 8 1/2 years of service. Comstar 4, launched 21 February 1981, has completed 17 years of service from 75.4 degrees W longitude.

Designed to keep pace with the burgeoning growth of telephone usage in the United States, Comstar employed the new dual polarized antenna system. AT&T officials had estimated that by 1980 out-of-state calls alone would reach 7.1 billion annually--an average of about 24 million calls every working day. Each Comstar, which operates in the C-band frequency, is equipped with 24 transponders capable of relaying a total of more than 18,000 telephone calls simultaneously throughout the contiguous United States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico.

Earth stations transmit the telephone calls to the satellite on frequencies within the 6 GHz band and receive signals from the satellite in the 4 GHz band. The frequencies are altered within the satellite to prevent interference with each other. To conserve frequencies, however, a new technique was employed by the Comstar satellites.

Earlier Hughes-built communications satellites operated only 12 transponders, but a signal polarization technique allows Comstar to use each frequency twice without interference, thus doubling the capacity of the satellite system. Twelve transponders were designed to receive and transmit horizontally polarized signals, and the other 12 transponders were designed to receive and transmit vertically polarized signals, hence Comstar's twin antenna reflectors.

In addition to the C-band system, each satellite carries a millimeter wave experimental package to conduct communications tests in the 19 and 28 GHz bands, a super-high frequency region coming into limited use.

Comstar has a height of 6.34 meters and a diameter of 2.38 meters. Cylindrical solar panels, covered with nearly 17,000 solar cells, provided the satellite with primary power of 760 Watts. Liftoff weight at launch was 1516 kg. The launch vehicle for the Comstars was the Atlas-Centaur booster. The satellites were launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under a contract with Comsat General.

SSC Parallax purchased Comstar 1D in July 2001 from LMGT. In April 2002, the satellite was bought by Tongasat and renamed Esiafi 1. The projected end of life is January 2005.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
COMSTAR 1 1976-042A 1976-05-13 AFETR Atlas-SLV3D Centaur-D1AR
COMSTAR 2 1976-073A 1976-07-22 AFETR Atlas-SLV3D Centaur-D1AR
COMSTAR 3 1978-068A 1978-06-29 AFETR Atlas-SLV3D Centaur-D1AR
ESIAFI 1 (COMSTAR 4) 1981-018A 1981-02-21 AFETR Atlas-SLV3D Centaur-D1AR