Official name MAGION 1
Alternative name Magion 1
Cospar ID 1978-099C
Norad ID 11110
Launch date 1978-10-24
Launch site PKMTR
Launch vehicle Kosmos-3M
Country/Organization Czechoslovakia
Type application Science, magnetosphere
Decay date 1981-09-11
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 15
Height (m) 0.2
Width (m) 0.3
Depth (m) 0.3
Span (m^2) 0.3
Power Solar cells, batteries

Magion 1 was a czechoslovakian subsatellite that separated from Intercosmos 18 on 14 November 1978. It was magnetically stabilized and was designed to carry ionospheric-type experiments related to the International Magnetospheric Study. MAGION had a prismatic shape (0.3 × 0.3 × 0.15 m) and followed the orbit of Interkosmos 18. Czechoslovak participation in studies of mutual relations between the earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere consisted mainly of measuring VLF phenomena on board MAGION, which was moving slowly away from Intercosmos 18, and in cooperating in the measurements of plasma properties in the vicinity of this satellite.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
MAGION 1 1978-099C 1978-10-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Interkosmos 18