Official name SJ-2A
Alternative name Shi Jian 2A
Cospar ID 1981-093B
Norad ID 12843
Launch date 1981-09-19
Launch site JSC
Launch vehicle FB-1
Country/Organization China
Type application Technology
Decay date 1982-10-06
Shape Cone
Mass (kg) 478.69
Height (m) 1.65
Width (m) 1.65
Depth (m) 1.65
Span (m^2) 1.65

SJ 2A (Shi Jian 2A) was an ionospheric research satellite featuring a beacon transmitter satellite used for the detection of ionospheric electron density distributions (topside sounding applications).

The beacon transmitter operated in frequencies of 162 MHz and 40.5 MHz. The principle of the measurement is that the ground station receives Doppler shift and Faraday spin of the two signs passing through the ionosphere to inverse the integrated electronic concentration of the ionosphere.

The satellite was battery powered and had a mass of 480 kg.

SJ 2A was launched as one of three payloads on a FB-1 rocket in September 1981. An earlier launch failure in July 1979 reportedly carried the same payloads.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
SJ-2A 1981-093B 1981-09-19 JSC FB-1 with SJ 2, SJ 2B