Official name COSMOS 1713
Alternative name Cosmos-1713
Cospar ID 1985-120A
Norad ID 16429
Launch date 1985-12-27
Launch site PKMTR
Launch vehicle Soyuz-U
Country/Organization USSR
Type application Cosmic radiation
Decay date 1986-01-22
Shape Sphere + Cyl
Mass (kg) 5649.16
Diameter (m) 2.4
Height (m) 5
Span (m^2) 6.5
Lifetime 26 days
Contractors TsSKB
Propulsion 11D82M
Configuration Zenit Bus
Power Batteries

The Efir missions were scientific missions based on the Zenit / Vostok type spacecraft. Efir was to measure the energy spectrum and charge composition of primary cosmic rays with energy above 2 TeV.

The experiment was carried out with the detectors Sokol and Sokol-2 aboard the artificial earth satellites Kosmos-1543 and Kosmos-1713.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
COSMOS 1543 1984-026A 1984-03-10 PKMTR Soyuz-U
COSMOS 1713 1985-120A 1985-12-27 PKMTR Soyuz-U