Alternative name REP
Cospar ID 1965-068C
Norad ID 1518
Launch date 1965-08-21
Launch site AFETR
Launch vehicle Titan-2-GLV
Country/Organization USA
Type application Rendezvous Target
Operator NASA
Decay date 1965-08-27
Shape Box + 1 Ant
Mass (kg) 34.69
Height (m) 0.6
Width (m) 0.3
Depth (m) 0.6
Span (m^2) 0.6
Equipment Agena rendezvous radar transponder, flashing beacons, batteries, antenna
Propulsion None
Power Batteries

The REP (Rendezvous Evaluation Pod) was ejected from the Gemini 5 spacecraft for simulated rendezvous maneuver experiments. The REP was designed to be used as a rendezvous target for the Gemini 5 spacecraft after ejection. It contained an Agena rendezvous radar transponder, flashing beacons, batteries, and antenna. The REP was mounted on the back of the Gemini spacecraft.

At 2 hours 25 minutes after launch, Gemini 5 was yawed 90 degrees to the right and the REP was ejected by explosive charges at a velocity of roughly 1.5 meters/sec. The plan called for Gemini 5 to manuever away from the REP, 10 km below and 22.5 km behind the REP, and then rendezvous with the REP for training and equipment evaluation. Due to fuel cell problems in the Gemini 5 spacecraft the REP exercise was abandoned about 4 hours into the mission and the REP was left in Earth orbit.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
RADAR EVALUATION POD 1965-068C 1965-08-21 AFETR Titan-2-GLV with Gemini 5