Official name GORIZONT 22
Alternative name Gorizont 22
Cospar ID 1990-102A
Norad ID 20953
Launch date 1990-11-23
Launch site TTMTR
Launch vehicle Proton-K Blok-DM-2
Country/Organization USSR / Russia
Type application Communication
Operator RSCC (Kosmicheskiya Svyaz)
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 1436.19
Inclination (deg) 13.41
Perigee (km) 35782
Apogee (km) 35795
Eccentricity 0.000181622588261592
Mean motion (revs. per day) 1.00265285233848
Semi-Major axis (km) 42166.635
Raan (deg) 342.5169
Arg of perigee (deg) 19.1975
Shape Cyl + 2 Pan
Mass (kg) 2101.09
Diameter (m) 3.3
Height (m) 5.44
Span (m^2) 9.5
Lifetime 3 years
Contractors NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki (NPO PM)
Equipment 6 C-band transponders, 1 Ku-band transponder
Configuration KAUR-3
Power 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries

The geostationary Gorizont satellites are part of the Russian YeSSS Unified Satellite Communication System. These satellites provided civilian and military telephone, telegraph, and facsimile communications services, in addition to relaying TV and radio broadcasts. Gorizont also supported maritime and international communications from 1988 as an element of the Okean system operating at 1.5 to 1.6 GHz. The Gorizont system occupies 10 position on the geostationary orbit.

The KAUR-3 spacecraft bus was 3-axis stabilized using liquid propellant micro-engines to within 0.25 degrees of the earth's centre. The single-unit body was equipped with solar panels, and active liquid-gas phase-change thermoregulation system, and a corrective engine unit for making orbital maneuvers. 25 square meters of solar panels provided 1280 W of power. Gorizont was equipped with 6 C-band transponders and 1 Ku-band transponder.

Three Gorizonts were deployed to an orbital location owned by Tonga and were operated for the US company Rimsat (Gorizont 17 as Tongastar 1, and Gorizont 29 and 30 as Rimsat 1 and 2). Later the two Rimsats were transferred to PASI and AsiaSat (one each) and finally both to LMI.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
GORIZONT 1 1978-118A 1978-12-19 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 2 1979-062A 1979-07-05 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 3 1979-105A 1979-12-28 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 4 1980-049A 1980-06-14 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 5 1982-020A 1982-03-15 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 6 1982-103A 1982-10-20 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 7 1983-066A 1983-06-30 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 8 1983-118A 1983-11-30 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 9 1984-041A 1984-04-22 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 10 1984-078A 1984-08-01 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 11 1985-007A 1985-01-18 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 12 1986-044A 1986-06-10 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 13 1986-090A 1986-11-18 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 14 1987-040A 1987-05-11 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 15 1988-028A 1988-03-31 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 16 1988-071A 1988-08-18 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 17 1989-004A 1989-01-26 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 18 1989-052A 1989-07-05 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 19 1989-081A 1989-09-28 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 20 1990-054A 1990-06-20 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM
GORIZONT 21 1990-094A 1990-11-03 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 22 1990-102A 1990-11-23 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 23 1991-046A 1991-07-01 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 24 1991-074A 1991-10-23 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 25 1992-017A 1992-04-02 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 26 1992-043A 1992-07-14 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 27 1992-082A 1992-11-27 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 28 1993-069A 1993-10-28 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 29 1993-072A 1993-11-18 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 30 1994-030A 1994-05-20 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 31 1996-005A 1996-01-25 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 32 1996-034A 1996-05-25 TTMTR Proton-K Blok-DM-2
GORIZONT 33 2000-029A 2000-06-06 TTMTR Proton-K Briz-M