Official name SROSS C
Alternative name SROSS 3
Cospar ID 1992-028A
Norad ID 21968
Launch date 1992-05-20
Launch site SRI
Launch vehicle ASLV
Country/Organization India
Type application Technology, science
Operator ISRO
Decay date 1992-07-14
Shape Oct Cyl
Mass (kg) 105.05
Diameter (m) 0.82
Height (m) 1.1
Span (m^2) 1.1
Lifetime 6 months (planned); 55 days (reached, #C); 4 years (reached, #C2)
Contractors ISRO
Equipment GRB, RPA
Propulsion Hydrazine RCS
Power Solar cells, batteries

SROSS C and C2 (Stretched Rohini Satellite Series) were the third and fourth satellites in ISRO's SROSS series and to perform experiments on Gamma-ray astronomy and ionospheric science.

The satellite body was spin-stabilized. A Hydrazine based monopropellant reaction control system was also fitted. Power was to be provided by body mounted solar cells.

The satellites carried two payloads:

  • 20 - 3000 keV Gamma-ray Burst Experiment (GRB)
  • Retarding Potential Analyser (RPA)

SROSS C was launched into a lower than planned orbit and therefore had a significantly reduced lifetime. It decayed from orbit on 14 July 1992 after only 55 days.

SROSS C2 was launched successfully and operated for four years.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
SROSS C 1992-028A 1992-05-20 SRI ASLV
SROSS C2 1994-027A 1994-05-04 SRI ASLV