Official name TNS 0-2
Alternative name TNS-0-2 Nanosputnik
Cospar ID 1998-067ND
Norad ID 42914
Launch date 1998-11-20
Launch site TTMTR
Launch vehicle Soyuz-2-1a
Country/Organization Russia
Type application Technology, communication
Operator RNII KP
Decay date 2019-10-15
Shape Hex Cyl
Mass (kg) 5
Diameter (m) 0.1
Height (m) 0.3
Span (m^2) 0.3
Lifetime 3 months
Contractors FSUE/RSIDE
Propulsion None
Configuration Cylinder with handle
Power Solar cells, batteries

The TNS 0-2 (Technologicesky Nanosputnik), is a small Russian experimental satellite, which is to be deployed from the ISS during a spacewalk. It was delivered to the space station by Progress-MS 06.

TNS 0-2 is an improved version of the TNS 0 satellites and features solar cells for a longer operational life.

TNS 0-2 has the dimensions of 20 by 65 cm, with the weight of 4,8 kg. It features a handle for manual deployment.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
TNS 0-2 1998-067ND 1998-11-20 TTMTR Soyuz-2-1a with Progress-MS 06, Tanyusha-YuZGU 1, Tanyusha-YuZGU 2, Sfera-53 2