Official name FREGAT R/B
Alternative name Fregat (Soyuz-U Fregat)
Cospar ID 2000-009B
Norad ID 26087
Launch date 2000-02-08
Launch site TTMTR
Launch vehicle Soyuz-U Fregat
Country/Organization Russia, Europe
Type application Inflatable heatshield technology
Operator ESA
Decay date 2000-02-09
Shape Cyl
Mass (kg) 1110
Diameter (m) 3.35
Height (m) 1.7
Span (m^2) 3.35
Contractors NPO Lavochkin
Equipment IRDT shield
Configuration Fregat stage with inflatable heatshield
Power Batteries

IRDT (Inflatable Re-Entry and Descent Technology) is a new technology to return payloads from orbit without a heavy heatshield and parachute system. A inflatable cone provides protection during reentry and a second inflatable extension of the cone reduces the speed further for a safe landing.

The first test flight orbited the IRDT 1 payload and the Fregat stage, which was also equipped with an IRDT shield. The IRDT Fregat payload diameter after 1st stage inflation was x m and 2nd stage 14 m (acting as parachute).It was planned to bring back the stage with this device for investigation of possible reuse, but it has not been found, after it descended in a snow storm. Possibly it has been found by scavengers and sold as scrap metal.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
FREGAT R/B 2000-009B 2000-02-08 TTMTR Soyuz-U Fregat with IRDT 1, Gruzovoy Maket