Official name SICRAL 1
Alternative name SICRAL
Cospar ID 2001-005A
Norad ID 26694
Launch date 2001-02-07
Launch site FRGUI
Launch vehicle Ariane-44L H10-3
Country/Organization Italy
Type application Military communication
Operator Italian Ministry of Defense
Decay date ON ORBIT
Shape Box + 2 Pan
Mass (kg) 2596
Height (m) 4.9
Width (m) 3.4
Depth (m) 3.4
Span (m^2) 24.5
Lifetime 10 years (#1); 14 years (#1B)
Contractors Alenia Spazio (#1); Alcatel Alenia Space (formerly Alenia Spazio) (#1B)
Equipment 3 UHF band, 5 SHF band and 1 EHF/Ka band transponders
Propulsion S400
Configuration GeoBus (Italsat-3000)
Power 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries

SICRAL (Sistema Italiana de Communicazione Riservente Allarmi), the first national italian system for satellite military telecommunications, has been developed by the SITAB consortium made up of Alenia Spazio, a Finmeccanica Company (70%), Fiat Avio (20%) and Telespazio (10%).

The SICRAL 1 satellite can operate simultaneously on several frequency bands (SHF, EHF and UHF), a characteristics first in Europe, with the possibility to switch the bands on-board of the satellite (first in the world). The UHF satellite repeater is the Europe's most powerful and the only one to operate inter-connected to the SHF/EHF band.

The contract for SICRAL 1B was signed in late 2006.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
SICRAL 1 2001-005A 2001-02-07 FRGUI Ariane-44L H10-3 with Skynet 4F
SICRAL 1B 2009-020A 2009-04-20 SEAL Zenit-3SL (2)