Official name SIMPLESAT 1
Alternative name Simplesat
Cospar ID 2001-035B
Norad ID 26889
Launch date 2001-08-10
Launch site AFETR
Launch vehicle Shuttle
Country/Organization USA
Type application Astronomy, technology
Operator NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Decay date 2002-01-30
Shape Oct Cyl
Mass (kg) 52
Diameter (m) 0.5
Height (m) 0.7
Span (m^2) 0.7
Contractors NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Equipment 30 cm diameter optics, commercial CCD camera detector
Propulsion None
Configuration 66 cm tall, 50 cm diameter octagonal prism, 3-axis stabilized, inertial pointing
Power Solar cells, batteries

Simplesat is an engineering experiment in the form of a small satellite. It will try to determine whether an inexpensive satellite can be constructed from commercial parts and survive in orbit. It contains a GPS receiver capable of determining the orientation of the satellite. This orientation information will be used to try to control the pointing direction of the small telescope onboard the satellite.

It was deployed from a HitchHiker can inside the Shuttle's payload bay by a spring ejection system Simplesat was planned to orbit the Earth for about 5 months before atmospheric drag will cause it to re-enter. During that time engineers at will attempt to communicate with Simplesat using ham radio style equipment.

After deployment, no contact to Simplesat could be established, probably due to a transmitter failure.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
SIMPLESAT 1 2001-035B 2001-08-10 AFETR Shuttle with Discovery F30 (STS 105), MLPM 1-02