Official name USA 167
Alternative name USA 167 (DSCS III F13, DSCS 3-13, DSCS III A-3)
Cospar ID 2003-008A
Norad ID 27691
Launch date 2003-03-11
Launch site AFETR
Launch vehicle Delta-4M IABS
Country/Organization USA
Type application Communication
Operator US Air Force (USAF)
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 1436.09
Inclination (deg) 9.48
Perigee (km) 35785
Apogee (km) 35788
Eccentricity 4.19152473698182E-05
Mean motion (revs. per day) 1.00272267058471
Semi-Major axis (km) 42164.635
Raan (deg) 49.5595
Arg of perigee (deg) 292.632
Shape Hex Poly + 2 Pan
Mass (kg) 1244
Height (m) 2.1
Width (m) 1.93
Depth (m) 1.93
Span (m^2) 9.5
Lifetime 10 years
Contractors Lockheed Martin
Equipment 6 SHF transponders, 1 special purpose transponder (SHF and UHF)
Propulsion ?
Configuration DSCS-3 Bus, 3-Axis stabilization
Power 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries

DSCS-3 (Defense Satellite Communications System 3) are geostationary communications satellites, which provide a robust anti-jam, nuclear hardened capability that supports Department of Defense (DoD) worldwide requirements, White House and Diplomatic communications. They are the follow-on generation of the DSCS-2 satellites.

The system is used for high priority communications such as the exchange of wartime information between defense officials and battlefield commanders. The system provides uninterrupted secure voice and high-data rate communications to globally fixed and mobile DoD users, NATO, the United Kingdom, the Diplomatic Telecommunications Service, and the White House Communications Agency.

DSCS-3 carries:

  • six independent Super High Frequency (SHF) transponders and one special purpose single channel transponder operating on both SHF and Ultra High Frequency
  • Three receive antennas (two Earth coverage horns, one steerable 61-beam nulling lens)
  • Five transmit antennas (two Earth coverage horns, two steerable 19-beam wave guide lens, one high gain parabolic gimbaled dish)

DSCS-3 B7 also carried the CHARGECON-GEO (Charge Control at Geosynchronous Altitude, S90-3) experiment for the Space Test Program.

Two solar wings produce 1700 Watts of onboard power at the beginning of life and 1230 watts at the end of life.

DSCS-3 satellites were designed to be injected directly into GEO by the launch vehicle (Titan-34D IUS, Titan-34D Transtage or Shuttle IUS) without the need to incorporate an apogee kick engine. Switching to Atlas-2, Atlas-2A and Delta-4M launch vehicles made it necessary to include a dedicated apogee kick stage (IABS) with the satelite for injecting the DSCS-3 into GEO orbit.

Another DSCS-3 satellite was constructed under the name STARSAT to be used as a test object in the "Huron King" nuclear weapons test for the effects of system generated electromagnetic pulse (SGEMP) on a full-scale operating DSCS-3 military communications satellite. The spacecraft was contained in a large above-ground tank.

The DSCS-3 is succeeded by the WGS series of satellites.

DSCS-3 B12 was retired in 2015 and was moved into a graveyard orbit above the geostationary belt.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
DSCS 3-1 1982-106B 1982-10-30 AFETR Titan-34D IUS with DSCS-2 16
USA 11 1985-092B 1985-10-03 AFETR Shuttle IUS with Atlantis F-1 (STS-51-J), DSCS-3 B5
USA 12 1985-092C 1985-10-03 AFETR Shuttle IUS with Atlantis F-1 (STS-51-J), DSCS-3 B4
USA 44 1989-069B 1989-09-04 AFETR Titan-34D Transtage with DSCS-2 15
USA 78 1992-006A 1992-02-11 AFETR Atlas-2 IABS
USA 82 1992-037A 1992-07-02 AFETR Atlas-2 IABS
USA 93 1993-046A 1993-07-19 AFETR Atlas-2 IABS
USA 97 1993-074A 1993-11-28 AFETR Atlas-2 IABS
USA 113 1995-038A 1995-07-31 AFETR Atlas-2A IABS
USA 134 1997-065A 1997-10-25 AFETR Atlas-2A IABS with Falcon Gold
USA 148 2000-001A 2000-01-21 AFETR Atlas-2A IABS
USA 153 2000-065A 2000-10-20 AFETR Atlas-2A IABS
USA 167 2003-008A 2003-03-11 AFETR Delta-4M IABS
USA 170 2003-040A 2003-08-29 AFETR Delta-4M IABS