Official name INTELSAT 1002
Alternative name Intelsat 10-02 (Thor 10-02)
Cospar ID 2004-022A
Norad ID 28358
Launch date 2004-06-16
Launch site TTMTR
Launch vehicle Proton-M Briz-M (Ph.1)
Country/Organization International
Type application Communication
Operator Intelsat
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 1436.1
Inclination (deg) 0.01
Perigee (km) 35784
Apogee (km) 35790
Eccentricity 8.38293234973594E-05
Mean motion (revs. per day) 1.00271568832254
Semi-Major axis (km) 42165.135
Raan (deg) 315.0829
Arg of perigee (deg) 85.2853
Shape Box + 2 Pan
Mass (kg) 5575
Height (m) 5.8
Width (m) 2.4
Depth (m) 2.4
Span (m^2) 35
Lifetime 13 years
Contractors Astrium
Equipment 45 active C-band transponders, 16 active Ku-band
Propulsion ?, 4 × SPT-100 plasma thrusters
Configuration Eurostar-3000
Power 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries

The Intelsat-10 satellites (Intelsat 10-01 and Intelsat 10-02) are the largest and most powerful satellites ever procured by Intelsat, the international telecommunications satellite operator, to provide various communications services including fixed telephone and data services, broadcast and news gathering to cover the whole American continent as well as Western Europe. Both satellites will have a launch mass of around 5500 kg and a payload power of approximately 8 kW, but will be configured for different missions. Intelsat 10-02, to be located at 359 degrees East, will have 45 C-band active transponders and 16 Ku-band. The satellites are due for delivery in 2003.

As prime contractor, Astrium delivered both the platform (based on the high-power Eurostar-3000 version of the company's Eurostar series) and the payload.

Telenor uses half of the Ku-band capacity of the satellite, which is marketed as Thor 10-02.

Running low on fuel, Intelsat 10-02 will receive a life-extension by the MEV 2 satellite-servicing mission in 2020.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
INTELSAT 1002 2004-022A 2004-06-16 TTMTR Proton-M Briz-M (Ph.1)