Official name M-5 DEB
Alternative name SSSAT
Cospar ID 2006-041D
Norad ID 29482
Launch date 2006-09-22
Launch site KSCUT
Launch vehicle M-5 (2)
Country/Organization Japan
Type application Technology
Operator JAXA
Decay date 2006-09-25
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 5
Height (m) 0.2
Width (m) 0.1
Depth (m) 0.2
Span (m^2) 0.2
Lifetime ?
Contractors JAXA
Propulsion None
Configuration Solar sail on rocket stage
Power Batteries

The SSSat (Solarsail Subpayload Satellite, soraseiru sabupeiro-do) was an experimental 15-meter diameter solar sail, based on the experience of the earlier S-310-34 suborbital mission. The solar sail experiment was mounted on the third stage of the M-5 launch vehicle instead of balast and was to deploy after the primary and piggy-back satellites were jettisoned.

It was launched in February 2007 and was deployed from the stage at 2146 UTC but opened only incompletely.

A reflight in September 2007 was successful.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
M-5 DEB 2006-041D 2006-09-22 KSCUT M-5 (2) with Solar B, HITSAT 1