Official name ELISA E24
Alternative name Elisa E24
Cospar ID 2011-076B
Norad ID 38008
Launch date 2011-12-17
Launch site FRGUI
Launch vehicle Soyuz-ST-A Fregat
Country/Organization France
Type application ELINT
Operator DGA
Decay date ON ORBIT
Shape Box + 1 Pan
Mass (kg) 120
Height (m) 0.6
Width (m) 1
Depth (m) 1
Span (m^2) 1
Contractors EADS Astrium
Configuration Myriade
Power Deployable solar array, batteries

ELISA (ELectronic Intelligence by SAtellite) is a demonstration project sponsored by the French defence procurements agency (DGA). It will prepare the ground for the future operational programme ROEM (ELINT) for mapping the positions of radar and other transmitters throughout the world and determining their technical characteristics.

The programme will attempt to meet two needs:

  • Keeping databases used for electronic warfare up to date,
  • Detecting and monitoring activities during operations.

ELISA involves ELINT payloads which will be carried on board four Myriade micro-satellites. These will be placed in Low Earth Orbit a few kilometers from each other and will record all signals intercepted. When the measurements stored by each micro-satellite are combined, it will be possible to locate and characterise the source of each signal.

The ground segment is made up of two connected units, one for controlling the satellites and transmitting operating schedules, the other for preparing the schedules and processing the measurements.

CNES is providing the SSC and is also chief contracting authority for the project together with the DGA. The industrial prime contractor is a consortium of EADS-Astrium SAS and Thales Systèmes Aéroportés SA as joint contractors, with EADS as the mandated representative.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
ELISA W11 2011-076A 2011-12-17 FRGUI Soyuz-ST-A Fregat with Pléiades-HR 1, SSOT, ELISA 2, 3, 4
ELISA E24 2011-076B 2011-12-17 FRGUI Soyuz-ST-A Fregat with Pléiades-HR 1, SSOT, ELISA 1, 2, 3
ELISA W23 2011-076C 2011-12-17 FRGUI Soyuz-ST-A Fregat with Pléiades-HR 1, SSOT, ELISA 1, 2, 4
ELISA E12 2011-076D 2011-12-17 FRGUI Soyuz-ST-A Fregat with Pléiades-HR 1, SSOT, ELISA 1, 3, 4