Official name NAVID
Alternative name Navid-e Elm-o Sanat
Cospar ID 2012-005A
Norad ID 38075
Launch date 2012-02-03
Launch site SEM
Launch vehicle Safir-1B
Country/Organization Iran
Type application Earth observation
Operator Iran University of Science and Technology (Elm-o Sanat university), Teheran
Decay date 2012-04-02
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 50
Height (m) 0.4
Width (m) 0.5
Depth (m) 0.5
Span (m^2) 0.5
Lifetime 1.5 years (planned); 2 months (achieved)
Contractors Iran University of Science and Technology (Elm-o Sanat university), Teheran
Power Solar cells, batteries

Navid is an small Iranian built and launched Earth observation satellite. It was placed into an orbit at an altitude between 250 and 370 kilometers.

The Navid satellite was reportedly built by students at the Iran University of Science and Technology (Elm-o Sanat university) in Teheran. It features a panchromatic imager with a resolution of about 400 m.

Reportedly, a replacement for Navid is to be launched in 2021 on a new solid fuel launch vehicle called Zoljanah.

An improved version, Navid 2, has been developed and renamed Tadbir.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
NAVID 2012-005A 2012-02-03 SEM Safir-1B