Official name BELL
Alternative name Bell
Cospar ID 2013-016A
Norad ID 39142
Launch date 2013-04-21
Launch site WLPIS
Launch vehicle Antares-110
Country/Organization USA
Type application Technology
Operator NASA Ames Research Center
Decay date 2013-04-27
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 1
Height (m) 0.1
Width (m) 0.1
Depth (m) 0.1
Lifetime 7 days (#2.0b)
Contractors NASA Ames Research Center
Propulsion None
Configuration CubeSat (1U)
Power Solar cells, batteries

PhoneSat 2.0 is a technology demonstration mission consisting of a 1U CubeSat intended to prove that a smartphone can be used to perform many of the functions required of a spacecraft bus.

PhoneSat 2.0 features a newer Nexus-S smartphone made by Samsung Electronics running Google's Android operating system to provide a faster core processor, avionics and gyroscopes.

PhoneSat 2.0 also supplements the capabilities of PhoneSat 1.0 by adding a two-way S-band radio to allow engineers to command the satellite from Earth, solar panels to enable longer-duration missions, and a GPS receiver. In addition, PhoneSat 2.0 adds magnetorquer coils ? electro-magnets that interact with Earth's magnetic field ? and reaction wheels to actively control the satellite's orientation in space.

The satellite called Alexander was launched as a secondary payload on the maiden flight of the Antares-110 launch vehicle in 2013.

In improved version called Phonesat 2.4 was launched in 2013 on a Minotaur-1 booster under the ELaNa-4 mission.

PhoneSat 2.5 was launched piggy-back on a Falcon-9 v1.1 in February 2014 on the ELaNa-5 mission.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
BELL 2013-016A 2013-04-21 WLPIS Antares-110 with Cygnus Mass Simulator, PhoneSat v1a, PhoneSat v1b, Dove 1
PHONESAT 2.4 2013-064B 2013-11-20 WLPIS Minotaur-1 with STPSat 3, ORS 3, ORSES, ORS Tech 1, ORS Tech 2, SENSE 1, SENSE 2, Ho`oponopono 2, Firefly, STARE B, Prometheus 1.1, ..., 1.8, Black Knight 1, NPS-SCAT, COPPER, ChargerSat 1, TJ3Sat, Trailblazer 1, Vermont Lunar Cubesat, SwampSat, CAPE 2, DragonSat 1, KySat 2
PHONESAT 2.5 2014-022E 2014-04-18 AFETR Falcon-9 v1.1 with Dragon CRS-3, OPALS, HDEV, ALL-STAR/THEIA, KickSat 1, SporeSat 1, TSAT