Official name TEIKYOSAT 3
Alternative name Teikyosat-3
Cospar ID 2014-009E
Norad ID 39576
Launch date 2014-02-27
Launch site TNSTA
Launch vehicle H-2A-202
Country/Organization Japan
Type application Life science
Operator Teikyo University
Decay date 2014-10-25
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 22
Height (m) 0.4
Width (m) 0.3
Depth (m) 0.4
Span (m^2) 0.4
Contractors Teikyo University
Propulsion None
Power Solar cells, batteries

TeikyoSat 3 (Microbial Observation Satellite) is a small life science satellite built by Teikyo University.

TeikyoSat 3 is designed to study the impact of space radiation and the microgravity environment on a mold called Dictyostelium discoideum. This species of soil-living amoeba belongs to the phylum Mycetozoa and is often given the less than high-brow biological label of "slime mold." The life cycle of D. discoideum is relatively short, which allows for timely viewing of all the stages of its life.

TeikyoSat 3 was launched on Japan's H-2A-202 booster in 2014, and rode along with the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) main satellite. The satellite suffered from communication system issues.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
TEIKYOSAT 3 2014-009E 2014-02-27 TNSTA H-2A-202 with GPM-Core, STARS 2, ShindaiSat, KSAT 2, OPUSAT, INVADER, ITF 1