Official name XW-2A
Alternative name XW-2A
Cospar ID 2015-049E
Norad ID 40903
Launch date 2015-09-19
Launch site TSC
Launch vehicle CZ-6
Country/Organization China
Type application Education, amateur radio communication, technology
Operator DFH Satellite Co. Ltd, CAMSAT
Decay date 2023-04-25
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 25
Height (m) 0.4
Width (m) 0.4
Depth (m) 0.4
Span (m^2) 0.4
Contractors DFH Satellite Co. Ltd, CAMSAT
Power Solar cells, batteries

XW 2A or CAS 3A (Chinese Amateur Radio satellite 3A) is a Chinese micro-satellite for atmospheric physics experiments and amateur radio missions.

The satellite features a 398 mm × 398 mm × 398 mm cubic body with body mounted solar cells and a mass of approximately 25 kg mass. It features a three-axis stabilization system.

The amateur communications payload consists of U/V 20 kHz wide transponders with 145 MHz CW beacon and 19k2 GMSK AX25 telemetry downlinks.

Two small daughter satellites XW-2E and XW-2F will fly piggyback on top of the satellite.

XW-2A was launched in a cluster of 20 satellites on the maiden flight of the CZ-6 rocket.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
XW-2A 2015-049E 2015-09-19 TSC CZ-6 with XY 2, ZDPS 2A, ZDPS 2B, TT 3, XW 2B, XW 2C, XW 2D, XW 2E, XW 2F, DCBB, LilacSat 2, NUDT-PhoneSat, NS 2, ZJ 1, KJSY 1, XC 1, XC 2, XC 3, XC 4