Official name KAITUO 1A
Alternative name Kaituo-1
Cospar ID 2015-049F
Norad ID 40904
Launch date 2015-09-19
Launch site TSC
Launch vehicle CZ-6
Country/Organization China
Type application Technology
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 93.08
Inclination (deg) 97.48
Perigee (km) 422
Apogee (km) 429
Eccentricity 0.0082256169212691
Mean motion (revs. per day) 15.4705629565965
Semi-Major axis (km) 6803.635
Raan (deg) 177.417
Arg of perigee (deg) 1.3323
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 130
Height (m) 1
Width (m) 1
Depth (m) 1
Span (m^2) 1
Contractors Shenzhen DFH Satellite Co.
Power Deployable solar array, solar cells, batteries

XY 2 (Xinyan-2 or NewTech-2) is a Chinese microsatellite to text new technologies in space.

XY 2 is a test bed for a electric propulsion system. It was launched in a cluster of 20 satellites on the maiden flight of the CZ-6 rocket.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
KAITUO 1A 2015-049F 2015-09-19 TSC CZ-6 with ZDPS 2A, ZDPS 2B, TT 3, XW 2A, XW 2B, XW 2C, XW 2D, XW 2E, XW 2F, DCBB, LilacSat 2, NUDT-PhoneSat, NS 2, ZJ 1, KJSY 1, XC 1, XC 2, XC 3, XC 4