Official name ZY 3 2
Alternative name Zi Yuan 3-2
Cospar ID 2016-033A
Norad ID 41556
Launch date 2016-05-30
Launch site TSC
Launch vehicle CZ-4B
Country/Organization China
Type application Earth Observation
Operator State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping (#01); SASMAC (#02)
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 94.67
Inclination (deg) 97.46
Perigee (km) 502
Apogee (km) 503
Eccentricity 0.00099502487562189
Mean motion (revs. per day) 15.2107320164783
Semi-Major axis (km) 6880.635
Raan (deg) 234.4932
Arg of perigee (deg) 193.2605
Shape Box + 2 Pan
Mass (kg) 2650
Height (m) 2
Width (m) 2
Depth (m) 2
Span (m^2) 10
Lifetime 5 years
Contractors CAST
Equipment 3 panchromatic cameras, 1 multispectral imager.
Configuration Phoenix-Eye-2 bus
Power 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries

The ZY-3 (Ziyuan-3, 'Resource-3') series represents China's first high resolution, stereoscopic mapping satellites for civilian use.

The second satellite is managed by the Satellite Surveying and Mapping Application Center (SASMAC).

The imaging payload consists of a three-line camera array and a multispectral imager.

The three-line panchromatic camera array to acquire stereoscopic imagery consists of three telescopic cameras with one oriented to the nadir and the other two each offset by 22° forward and backward in flight direction. The stereo mapping camera of ZY-3 has a resolution of 2.1 m for the nadir camera, and 2.6 m for the offset cameras. Swath width is 51 km.

The multispectral imager for environmental and vegetation monitoring consists of a three-mirror telescope and a cooled detector system sensitive to four wavelength bands to capture full-color imagery as well as near-infrared data. The ground resolution of this system is 5.8 m.

The first satellite, ZY-3 01, was launched in January 2012 on a CZ-4B rocket.

ZY-3 02 reached orbit in May 2016.

ZY-3 03 and ZY-3 04 are planned for 2020.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
ZY 3 2012-001A 2012-01-09 TSC CZ-4B with VesselSat 2
ZY 3 2 2016-033A 2016-05-30 TSC CZ-4B with ÑuSat 1, ÑuSat 2
ZINYUAN-3 2020-051A 2020-07-25 TSC CZ-4B with Tianqi 10, Longxia Yan 1