Official name REENTRY SHROUD
Alternative name Pei zhong zhijia
Cospar ID 2016-042D
Norad ID 41627
Launch date 2016-06-25
Launch site WSC
Launch vehicle CZ-7/YZ1A
Country/Organization China
Type application Technology, reentry
Operator CNSA
Decay date 2016-07-02
Shape Irr
Mass (kg) 500
Height (m) 2
Width (m) 2
Depth (m) 2
Span (m^2) 2
Lifetime ~1 day
Power Batteries

The DFFC (Duoyongtu Feichuan Fanhui Cang) is subscale model of a future Chinese crewed space capsule.

The capsule has a height of 2.3 m and a diameter of 2.6 m with a mass of 2600 kg. Reportedly outfitted with basic systems like a navigation system, heat shield, parachutes and a communications system capable of transmitting through the plasma occurring during the hypersonic re-entry sequence.

It was launched on the maiden flight of the CZ-7/YZ1A rocket. It remained attached to the YZ-1A upperstage with the ZGZ Shiyan Zhuangzhi. The upper stage provided also the reentry manouevre for the DFFC capsule.(?)

The DFFC capsule successfully returned to earth on 26 June 2016.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
REENTRY SHROUD 2016-042D 2016-06-25 WSC CZ-7/YZ1A with Aoxiang Zhixing, Tiange Feixingqi 1, Tiange Feixingqi 2, Aolong 1, ZGZ Shiyan Zhuangzhi