Official name CANX-7
Alternative name CanX-7
Cospar ID 2016-059F
Norad ID 41788
Launch date 2016-09-26
Launch site SRI
Launch vehicle PSLV-G (3)
Country/Organization Canada
Type application Technology
Operator UTIAS (University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies)
Decay date 2022-04-21
Shape Box + 1 Sail
Mass (kg) 8
Height (m) 0.34
Width (m) 0.1
Depth (m) 0.1
Span (m^2) 2
Contractors UTIAS
Propulsion None
Configuration CubeSat (3U)
Power Solar cells, batteries

CanX-7 (Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiments 7) is a demonstration mission involving a 3U-CubeSat nanosatellite that will incorporate a lightweight, compact, deployable drag sail under development at SFL.

The mission is funded by Defence R&D Canada (Ottawa), NSERC and COM DEV Ltd. The mission will demonstrate the drag sail's customizability, modularity, stowability and effectiveness at achieving the deorbiting requirements of the IADC. The results will then be used to create a low cost, modular, and customizable deorbiting device for nanosatellites and microsatellites in low Earth orbit, thus alleviating the programmatic and technical risk to space missions when using satellites of this class.

The sail was successfully deployed on 3 May 2017.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
CANX-7 2016-059F 2016-09-26 SRI PSLV-G (3) with SCATSAT 1, AlSat 1B, AlSat 2B, BlackSky Pathfinder 1, Pratham, PISat, AlSat-Nano