Official name TK-1
Alternative name Tiankun-1
Cospar ID 2017-012A
Norad ID 42061
Launch date 2017-03-02
Launch site JSC
Launch vehicle Kaituozhe-2
Country/Organization China
Type application Technology ?
Operator CASIC
Decay date 2023-07-07
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 300
Height (m) 2
Width (m) 1
Depth (m) 2
Span (m^2) 2
Contractors CASIC
Power 2 deployable fixed solar arrays, batteries

Tiankun-1 is a Chinese satellite developed by CASIC, which is a technology demonstration mission to test out their new small satellite bus.

The satellite is to test the new bus and remote sensing and telecommunications technologies in space.

The satellite was launched in March 2017 on the maiden Kaituozhe-2 rocket from Jiuquan.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
TK-1 2017-012A 2017-03-02 JSC Kaituozhe-2