Official name LACMA ENOCH
Alternative name ENOCH
Cospar ID 2018-099V
Norad ID 43777
Launch date 2018-12-03
Launch site AFWTR
Launch vehicle Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5)
Country/Organization USA
Type application Art
Operator LACMA
Decay date 2021-12-21
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 4
Height (m) 0.3
Width (m) 0.1
Depth (m) 0.1
Lifetime 7 years orbital life
Contractors LACMA, Pumpkin Inc. (structure)
Equipment CUBIT
Propulsion None
Configuration CubeSat (3U)
Power None

Enoch is a passive CubeSat built as an art project by conceptual artist Tavares Strachan under the auspices of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) in collaboration with SpaceX.

The satellite contains a 24-karat-gold canopic jar with a bust of the first African-American astronaut, Robert Henry Lawrence Jr.. Canopic jars were used by ancient Egyptians to house the organs of the deceased for use in the afterlife. This jar was blessed at a Shinto shrine in Japan and ?recognized as a container for Lawrence?s soul,? according to the museum.

Pumpkin Space Systems created the sled structure for the canopic jar, which is compatible with a CubeSat deployer. It is fitted with three radar reflectors to aid tracking of the passive satellite.

ENOCH also flew the CUBIT (CubeSat Identification Tag) developed by SRI International, a small add-on to cubesats that transmits a signal identifying that satellite. The system, weighing only about 20 grams, is designed to operate independently from the rest of the cubesat, including its own battery. The CUBIT signals were detected and allowed the identification of the otherwise passive satellite.

The satellite was launched on Spaceflight Industry's SSO-A multi-satellite launch on a Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) rocket.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
LACMA ENOCH 2018-099V 2018-12-03 AFWTR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with SkySat 14, 15, Eu:CROPIS, STPSat 5, FalconSat 6, NEXTSat 1, KazSTSAT, eXCITe, SeeMe, ICEYE X2, BlackSky 2, ESEO, Hawk A, B, C, Capella 1, AISTECHSAT 2, CSIM-FD, Hiber 2, ITASAT 1, Landmapper-BC 4, ORS 7A, 7B, Al-Farabi 2, Astrocast 0.1, Audacy 0, BRIO, Centauri 1, Eaglet 1, Enoch, Flock-3s 1, 2, 3, K2SAT, KazSciSat 1, MinXSS 2, Orbital Reflector, RAAF M1, SeaHawk 1, SNUSAT 2, THEA, VESTA, PW-Sat 2, SNUGLITE, VisionCube, RANGE A, B, Elysium-Star 2, ExseedSat 1, Fox 1C, Irvine 02, JY1-Sat, KNACKSAT, MOVE 2, SpaceBEE 5, 6, 7, Suomi-100, WeissSat 1, Sirion Pathfinder 2, OrbWeaver 1, 2, SPAWAR-CAL O, OR, R