Official name OBJECT A
Alternative name Zhongdian wangtong 1A
Cospar ID 2019-032A
Norad ID 44310
Launch date 2019-06-05
Launch site YSLA
Launch vehicle CZ-11H
Country/Organization China
Type application Technology
Operator CAST
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 95.55
Inclination (deg) 44.98
Perigee (km) 538
Apogee (km) 552
Eccentricity 0.0128440366972477
Mean motion (revs. per day) 15.0706436420722
Semi-Major axis (km) 6923.135
Raan (deg) 73.6831
Arg of perigee (deg) 41.8223
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 65
Height (m) 1
Width (m) 1
Depth (m) 1
Contractors CAST

Bufeng 1A and 1B is a pair of small Chinese satellites built by CAST for testing the measurement of surface sea wind velocity fields via small satellites formation flying.

The Bufeng satellites measure the velocity of the wind by measuring the signals of navigation satellites reflected on the ocean's surface (GNSS-R).

The satellite were launched in June 2019 on the first sea launch of a CZ-11H rocket.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
OBJECT A 2019-032A 2019-06-05 YSLA CZ-11H with Jilin-1 Gaofen-03A, Bufeng 1B, Xiaoxiang 1-04, Tianqi 3, Tianxiang 1, Tianxiang 2
OBJECT B 2019-032B 2019-06-05 YSLA CZ-11H with Jilin-1 Gaofen-03A, Bufeng 1A, Xiaoxiang 1-04, Tianqi 3, Tianxiang 1, Tianxiang 2