Official name CHINASAT 18
Alternative name Chinasat 18
Cospar ID 2019-053A
Norad ID 44493
Launch date 2019-08-19
Launch site XSC
Launch vehicle CZ-3B/G2
Country/Organization China
Type application Communication
Operator China Satcom
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 472.57
Inclination (deg) 28.36
Perigee (km) 133
Apogee (km) 27305
Eccentricity 0.990305415846636
Mean motion (revs. per day) 3.04716761537973
Semi-Major axis (km) 20097.135
Raan (deg) 113.2279
Arg of perigee (deg) 320.4521
Shape Box + 2 Pan
Mass (kg) 5250
Height (m) 5
Width (m) 2.5
Depth (m) 2.5
Span (m^2) 30
Lifetime 15 years
Contractors CAST
Equipment 30 Ku-band transponders, 14 Ka MSS-band spot user beams, 2 Ka BSS-band transponders
Configuration DFH-4E bus
Power 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries

ZX 18 (Zhongxing 18, ChinaSat 18) is a Chinese communications satellite based upon a DFH-4E bus.

The Chinasat 18 provides Ku commercial communications services with 30 Ku-band transponders, Ka broadband communication services with 14 Ka-band MSS spot user beams and exploring Ka-band broadcasting services with 2 Ka BSS-band transponders within the service coverage areas.

The satellite was manufactured by CAST and was launched onboard a CZ-3B/G2 launch vehicle. The satellite is to be launched and to provide services in the first quarter of 2019 but delayed to August 2019.

The satellite was successfully launched into geostationary transfer orbit, but suffered anomalies after launch. A month after launch, it still remained in geostationary transfer orbit, suggesting a mission failure.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
CHINASAT 18 2019-053A 2019-08-19 XSC CZ-3B/G2