Official name AEROCUBE 14B
Alternative name Aerocube 14B
Cospar ID 2019-071F
Norad ID 45116
Launch date 2019-11-02
Launch site WLPIS
Launch vehicle Antares-230+
Country/Organization USA
Type application Technology
Operator The Aerospace Corporation
Decay date 2023-02-08
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 4
Height (m) 0.3
Width (m) 0.1
Depth (m) 0.1
Contractors The Aerospace Corporation
Propulsion None
Configuration CubeSat (3U)
Power Solar cells, batteries

The AeroCube 14 A & B or IMPACT 2A & 2B (), mission by The Aerospace Corporation consists two identical 3U CubeSats to demonstrate new star-tracker technology and test new nanotechnlogy materials and advanced solar cells in space. The investigation also tests a standardized interface for modular experiments that could reduce the challenges of integrating experiments onto a satellite and launching them into space. The satellites are part of the National Reconnaissance Office?s (NRO) IMPACT program, led by the Advanced Systems and Technology directorate.

These technologies to be evaluated include:

  • A new star-tracker baffle technology to test the ability of the baffle to reject stray light from entering the detector by hitting off of the walls of the baffle while maintaining a small form factor on the satellite.
  • Nanotechnology payloads to test new and emerging materials in a space environment. These payloads include structural materials, thermal straps, and heaters. By performing these experiments in space, the materials are exposed to the space environment simultaneously, providing the data necessary to determine the space-worthiness of the materials.
  • An advanced solar cell experiment to evaluate the on-orbit performance of the solar cells and monitor any degradation with exposure to the space environment. Ground testing of solar cells is limited in the ability to simulate the full space environment. This research helps to provide additional information in the design of advanced solar cells for future space missions.
  • A standardized interface for modular experiments tests the ability of an experiment team and a spacecraft design team to develop missions independently from one another.

The satellites will be launched from the NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer mounted to the external surface of the Cygnus CRS-12 spacecraft. The Cygnus spacecraft raises its orbit to an altitude of ~500 km following unberthing from the International Space Station (ISS).

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
AEROCUBE 14A 2019-071D 2019-11-02 WLPIS Antares-230+ with Cygnus CRS-12, STPSat 4, HARP, Phoenix, RadSat-u, SOCRATES, Argus 02, HuskySat 1, SwampSat 2, AeroCube 14B, AeroCube 15A, 15B, Orbital Factory 2
AEROCUBE 14B 2019-071F 2019-11-02 WLPIS Antares-230+ with Cygnus CRS-12, STPSat 4, HARP, Phoenix, RadSat-u, SOCRATES, Argus 02, HuskySat 1, SwampSat 2, AeroCube 14A, AeroCube 15A, 15B, Orbital Factory 2