Official name SJ-20
Alternative name Shi Jian 20
Cospar ID 2019-097A
Norad ID 44910
Launch date 2019-12-27
Launch site WSC
Launch vehicle CZ-5
Country/Organization China
Type application Technology
Operator CAST
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 1436.14
Inclination (deg) 2.92
Perigee (km) 35766
Apogee (km) 35809
Eccentricity 0.000600768424729305
Mean motion (revs. per day) 1.00268776024622
Semi-Major axis (km) 42165.635
Raan (deg) 84.4167
Arg of perigee (deg) 351.9869
Shape Box + 2 Pan
Mass (kg) 7600
Height (m) 7
Width (m) 3
Depth (m) 3
Contractors CAST
Propulsion ? × LIPS-300 Ion engines
Configuration DFH-5 Bus
Power 2 deployable solar arrays, batteries

SJ 20 (Shijian 20) was a Chinese experimental geostationary satellite based on the new DFH-5 Bus.

SJ 20 is the second flight of the DFH-5 ultra-high-performance satellite platform, featuring a high-thrust ion propulsion. It provides payload power up to 28 Kilowatts. The satellite has a launch mass of more than 8000 kg.

It was launched in December 2019 on the third CZ-5 rocket from the Wengchang.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
SJ-20 2019-097A 2019-12-27 WSC CZ-5