Official name VEERY-RL1
Alternative name Veery Hatchling v0.2
Cospar ID 2021-023A
Norad ID 47965
Launch date 2021-03-22
Launch site RLLC
Launch vehicle Electron Photon-LEO
Country/Organization USA
Type application Technology
Operator Care Weather Technologies
Decay date 2024-03-30
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 1
Height (m) 0.1
Width (m) 0.1
Depth (m) 0.1
Span (m^2) 0.1
Contractors Care Weather Technologies
Propulsion micro ion thruster
Configuration CubeSat (1U)
Power Solar cells, batteries

Veery RL-1 (Veery v0.1, Hatchling Veery Clay) is a picosatellite developed by Care Weather Technologies to the 1U CubeSat form factor as a technology demonstrator for their planned Veery wind scatterometer satellites.

Hatchling v0.1 demonstrates following technologies:

  • a robust power system that can deliver up to 125 watts of instantaneous power
  • multiple sensors to determine our orientation
  • a attitude control system to point the satellite
  • a micro ion thruster to preform micro orbital maneuvers
  • a radio for up-linking commands, and down-linking data
  • an onboard computing system, to monitor and control the satellite
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
VEERY-RL1 2021-023A 2021-03-22 RLLC Electron Photon-LEO with BlackSky 7, Centauri 3, Myriota 7, RAAF-M2 A, RAAF-M2 B, Gunsmoke-J 3, Pathstone