Official name OBJECT Y
Alternative name KSU-Cubesat
Cospar ID 2021-022Y
Norad ID 47954
Launch date 2021-03-22
Launch site TTMTR
Launch vehicle Soyuz-2-1a Fregat
Country/Organization Kenya, Italy
Type application Technology, Communications
Operator King Saud University
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 94.34
Inclination (deg) 97.47
Perigee (km) 479
Apogee (km) 494
Eccentricity 0.0154162384378212
Mean motion (revs. per day) 15.2639389442442
Semi-Major axis (km) 6864.635
Raan (deg) 31.1929
Arg of perigee (deg) 263.7442
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 1
Height (m) 0.1
Width (m) 0.1
Depth (m) 0.1
Span (m^2) 0.1
Contractors King Saud University
Propulsion None
Configuration CubeSat (1U)
Power Solar cells, batteries

KSU-Cubesat (King Saud University Cubesat) is a 1U CubeSat which was developed by students and researchers of the College of engineering (COE) at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia.

The satellite's purpose is to send telemetry and images taken by a small camera from space and to repeat received voice messages.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
OBJECT Y 2021-022Y 2021-03-22 TTMTR Soyuz-2-1a Fregat with CAS500 1, ELSA-d Servicer, ELSA-d Client, GRUS 1B, ..., 1E, Najm 1, DMSat 1, UniSat 7, BCCSAT 1, FEES, DIY 1, SMOG 1, STECCO, SAMSON 1, 2, 3, Kepler 6, 7, NanoSatC-Br 2, KMSL, CANYVAL-C 1, 2, BeeSat 5, ..., 8, Hiber 3, CubeSX-HSE, CubeSX-Sirius-HSE, Orbicraft-Zorkiy, WildTrackCube-SIMBA, GRBAlpha, 3B5GSAT, LacunaSat 2b, ChallengeOne