Official name USA 318
Alternative name USA 318
Cospar ID 2021-052C
Norad ID 48848
Launch date 2021-06-15
Launch site WLPIS
Launch vehicle Minotaur-1
Country/Organization USA
Type application Technology ?
Operator NRO
Decay date ON ORBIT
Shape Box + 2 Pan
Mass (kg) 150
Height (m) 1
Width (m) 1
Depth (m) 1
Span (m^2) 3
Contractors ?
Equipment ?
Propulsion ?
Configuration ?

The NROL 111 launch carries three not yet identified payloads for the NRO to be launched on a Minotaur-1 rocket from Wallops Island. The target orbit is not known.

These are likely experimental one-off payloads.

The launch was planned for December 2018, but has been delayed to June 2021.

Note: The NROL designations refer to the launch, not to the payload.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
USA 316 2021-052A 2021-06-15 WLPIS Minotaur-1 with USA 317, USA 318
USA 317 2021-052B 2021-06-15 WLPIS Minotaur-1 with USA 316, USA 318
USA 318 2021-052C 2021-06-15 WLPIS Minotaur-1 with USA 316, USA 317