Official name AYAN-21
Alternative name Tiger-2
Cospar ID 2021-059BT
Norad ID 48944
Launch date 2021-06-30
Launch site AFETR
Launch vehicle Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5)
Country/Organization Luxembourg, Rwanda, UAE
Type application Technology, communications
Operator NanoAvionics, OQ Technology
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 92.76
Inclination (deg) 97.62
Perigee (km) 405
Apogee (km) 414
Eccentricity 0.010989010989011
Mean motion (revs. per day) 15.5239327296248
Semi-Major axis (km) 6787.635
Raan (deg) 284.9508
Arg of perigee (deg) 171.2057
Shape Box + 2 Pan
Mass (kg) 10
Height (m) 0.3
Width (m) 0.2
Depth (m) 0.2
Span (m^2) 0.3
Contractors NanoAvionics
Propulsion ?
Configuration CubeSat (6U)
Power Solar cells, batteries

Tiger 2, also known as Ayan-21, is a 6U-CubeSat for 5G IoT mission. It was built, integrated and operated by NanoAvionics under contract with OQ Technology, a multinational satellite Internet-of-Things (IoT) company.

The 6U satellite is the second mission for the Lithuanian smallsat bus manufacturer and mission integrator with OQ Technology and the latest addition to OQ Technology?s growing low Earth orbit (LEO) constellation of nanosatellites. Their constellation intends to provide basic commercial IoT and M2M services, using 5G connectivity, to customers with a focus on Africa, Middle East, Asia and Latin America.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
AYAN-21 2021-059BT 2021-06-30 AFETR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with Starlink v1.5 R1-1, ..., R1-3, Umbra-SAR 2001, YAM 2, YAM 3, ÑuSat 19, ..., 22, ICEYE X11, X12, X13, X15, TUBIN, Mandrake 2A, 2B, Capella 5, GNOMES 2, LINCS 1, 2, PACE 1, TROPICS 01, D2/AtlaCom 1, EG 3, Centauri 4, Lemur-2 140, ..., 145, SpaceBEE 88, ..., 111, SpaceBEENZ 7, ..., 10, Sherpa-FX 2, Lynk 06, Hawk 3A, 3B, 3C, Astrocast 0201, ..., 0205, Painani 2, Sherpa-LTE 1, Tenzing, Aurora, Arthur 1, Faraday Phoenix, KSF 1A, ..., 1D, ION-SCV 003, NAPA 2, Spartan, Neptuno, W-Cube, Ghalib, QMR-KWT
LAYAN-23 2023-084H 2023-06-12 AFWTR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with W-Series 1, Skykraft Deployer 3, Skykraft 3A, ..., 3D, ICEYE X23, X25, X26, X30, GHOSt 3, Grégoire, Runner 1, Tomorrow R2, QPS-SAR 6, ÑuSat 40, ..., 43, Aces 1, ..., 4, HOTSAT 1, AFR, DROID.001, MuSat 1, ION-SCV 011, Outpost Mission 1, EPICHyper 2, Kelpie 2, Spei Satelles, ELO 4, MRC-100, Unicorn 2I, SATLLA 2I, URESAT 1, Istanbul, ROM 2, Orbiter SN3, Otter Pup, MDQSAT 1C, 1D, Pleiades-Squared, GEI-SAT Precursor, XVI, AII-Delta, Ayris 1, 2, EIVE, FOREST 2, Lemur-2 167, 168, MISR-A 1, MISR-B 2, Tiger 4, FOSSASat FEROX 1, ..., 4, SpaceBEE 168, ..., 179