Official name DEMO8(TENZING)
Alternative name Astro Digital Demo 8
Cospar ID 2021-059CA
Norad ID 48951
Launch date 2021-06-30
Launch site AFETR
Launch vehicle Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5)
Country/Organization USA
Type application Technology
Operator Astro Digital
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 94.36
Inclination (deg) 97.65
Perigee (km) 478
Apogee (km) 497
Eccentricity 0.0194871794871795
Mean motion (revs. per day) 15.2607036880034
Semi-Major axis (km) 6865.635
Raan (deg) 302.7936
Arg of perigee (deg) 124.8502
Shape Box + 1 Pan
Mass (kg) 35
Height (m) 0.5
Width (m) 0.5
Depth (m) 0.5
Span (m^2) 0.5
Lifetime 5 years
Contractors Astro Digital
Propulsion 2 × TILE
Configuration Corvus-Micro
Power Solar cells, batteries

Astro Digital Demo 8 or Tenzing is a technology demonstration mission.

Demo-8 is a technology demonstration of a Rapidly Attachable Fluid Transfer Interface (?RAFTI?) ? an auxiliary propellant tank, fill/drain valve, and docket adapter, on-board propulsion systems, a Benchmark hydrogenperoxide thruster and a Tiled Ionic Liquid Electrospray (TILE) electric propulsion, which will each perform thruster firings to assess maneuvering capabilities for future collision-avoidance, spacecraft-disposal activities, and future rendezvous, proximity operations, and docking (?RPOD?) activities; and two stereoscopic cameras, which will conduct non-Earth imaging to assess imaging capabilities for future RPOD activities.

The spacecraft bus is the Corvus-Micro design. The satellite bus uses reaction wheels, magnetic torque coils/rods, star tracker(s), magnetometers, sun sensors, and gyroscopes to enable precision 3-axis pointing without the use of propellant. The system concept of operations is to perform multiple low delta-V maneuvers to demonstrate the functionality of the propulsion systems and on-board control software as well as manage the orbital phasing. The on board propulsion systems will not be used to maintain any specific orbital parameters but rather to demonstrate the capabilities to maneuver. A sufficient amount of propellant will be reserved to support an end of mission set of de-orbit maneuvers to accelerate the passive de-orbit of the satellite as well as for collision avoidance maneuvers.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
DEMO8(TENZING) 2021-059CA 2021-06-30 AFETR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with Starlink v1.5 R1-1, ..., R1-3, Umbra-SAR 2001, YAM 2, YAM 3, ÑuSat 19, ..., 22, ICEYE X11, X12, X13, X15, TUBIN, Mandrake 2A, 2B, Capella 5, GNOMES 2, LINCS 1, 2, PACE 1, TROPICS 01, D2/AtlaCom 1, EG 3, Centauri 4, Lemur-2 140, ..., 145, SpaceBEE 88, ..., 111, SpaceBEENZ 7, ..., 10, Sherpa-FX 2, Lynk 06, Hawk 3A, 3B, 3C, Astrocast 0201, ..., 0205, Painani 2, Sherpa-LTE 1, Aurora, Arthur 1, Faraday Phoenix, KSF 1A, ..., 1D, Tiger 2, ION-SCV 003, NAPA 2, Spartan, Neptuno, W-Cube, Ghalib, QMR-KWT