Official name BINAR-1
Alternative name Binar-1
Cospar ID 1998-067SR
Norad ID 49272
Launch date 1998-11-20
Launch site TTMTR
Launch vehicle Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5)
Country/Organization Australia
Type application Technology
Operator Curtin University
Decay date 2022-09-30
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 1
Height (m) 0.1
Width (m) 0.1
Depth (m) 0.1
Span (m^2) 0.1
Lifetime 1 year
Contractors Curtin University
Propulsion None
Configuration CubeSat (1U)
Power Solar cells, batteries

Binar 1 is an Australian 1U-CubeSat built by the Curtain University to develop an Australian capability in solar system exploration, with spacecraft built around a CubeSat platform for deep space missions.

Its mission goals are as follows:

  • Test and verify onboard store and forward functionality for amateur packet radio ? will be used to engage local schools.
  • Test custom, in-house developed cubesat platform hardware (flight computer, EPS, ADCS & GPS).
  • Test and verify CubeSat platform and payload hardware ? star tracker.

It was launched in August 2021 onboard of Dragon CRS-23 to the ISS, where it was deployed on 12 October 2021.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
BINAR-1 1998-067SR 1998-11-20 TTMTR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with Dragon CRS-23, CAPSat, PR_CuNaR 2, SPACE-HAUC, CUAVA 1, Maya 3, Maya 4