Official name GLOBAL-15
Alternative name BlackSky Global 15
Cospar ID 2021-106B
Norad ID 49470
Launch date 2021-11-18
Launch site RLLC
Launch vehicle Electron KS (R)
Country/Organization USA
Type application Earth Observation
Operator BlackSky Global
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 92.2
Inclination (deg) 42
Perigee (km) 363
Apogee (km) 402
Eccentricity 0.0509803921568627
Mean motion (revs. per day) 15.6182212581345
Semi-Major axis (km) 6760.635
Raan (deg) 313.124
Arg of perigee (deg) 332.7633
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 55
Height (m) 1
Width (m) 0.5
Depth (m) 0.5
Span (m^2) 1
Lifetime 3 years
Contractors Spaceflight Services (prime); Exelis (Imager) (#1-4); LeoStella LLC (#5-24)
Equipment SpaceView-24 imager
Propulsion ?
Configuration SCOUT bus
Power Solar cells, batteries

The BlackSky constellation of 1 m resolution earth observation microsatellites will be deployed by BlackSky Global.

The satellites feature the SpaceView-24 imaging system built by Harris Corp.'s Exelis with an aperture of 24 cm It has a ground resolution of 0.9 - 1.1 m from an orbital height of 500 km. They have a onboard propulsion for a 3 year orbital life. The satellites are built by Spaceflight Services based on their SCOUT bus.

The operational Block 2 satellites feature some improvements over the Block 1 Pathfinder satellites. They have increased solar arrays and can image in in four bands and panchromatic mode. Each can produce 1000 images per day, both in stills or video mode.

The first four satellites named BlackSky 1 to 4 followed in 2018 and 2019 on four seperate launches, a PSLV, a Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) and two Electron KS rockets, to form the backbone of the operational constellation.

A full constellation of 60 satellites is planned for 2019 that will be replaced every three years. The first six satellites have been funded by September 2015. In September 2017 it was announced, that a joint venture with Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio will operate a constellation of 60 fast-revisit, high-resolution Earth-observation satellites. The satellites are built by LeoStella LLC, a joint venture between Spaceflight Industries and Thales Alenia Space, which established a new smallsat manufacturing facility in the United States. LeoStella is under contract to deliver 20 satellites to establish and maintain an initial constellation of 16 satellites.

Note: As long as the individual serial numbers are not published, the satellites are designated on this website with placeholder designations like "x1". When the proper designations are known, the placeholders will be replaced.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
GLOBAL-1 2018-096M 2018-11-29 SRI PSLV-CA with HySIS, Flock-3r 1, ..., 16, Lemur-2 84, ..., 87, CICERO 8, Hiber 1, HSAT 1, CASE, Centauri 2, FACSAT 1, InnoSat 2, Reaktor Hello World, 3Cat 1
GLOBAL-2 2018-099BG 2018-12-03 AFWTR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with SkySat 14, 15, Eu:CROPIS, STPSat 5, FalconSat 6, NEXTSat 1, KazSTSAT, eXCITe, SeeMe, ICEYE X2, ESEO, Hawk A, B, C, Capella 1, AISTECHSAT 2, CSIM-FD, Hiber 2, ITASAT 1, Landmapper-BC 4, ORS 7A, 7B, Al-Farabi 2, Astrocast 0.1, Audacy 0, BRIO, Centauri 1, Eaglet 1, Enoch, Flock-3s 1, 2, 3, K2SAT, KazSciSat 1, MinXSS 2, Orbital Reflector, RAAF M1, SeaHawk 1, SNUSAT 2, THEA, VESTA, PW-Sat 2, SNUGLITE, VisionCube, RANGE A, B, Elysium-Star 2, ExseedSat 1, Fox 1C, Irvine 02, JY1-Sat, KNACKSAT, MOVE 2, SpaceBEE 5, 6, 7, Suomi-100, WeissSat 1, Sirion Pathfinder 2, OrbWeaver 1, 2, SPAWAR-CAL O, OR, R
GLOBAL-3 2019-037C 2019-06-29 RLLC Electron KS with Painani 1, Prometheus 2.7, Prometheus 2.9, ACRUX 1, SpaceBEE 8, 9
GLOBAL-4 2019-054E 2019-08-19 RLLC Electron KS with BRO 1, Pearl White 1, Pearl White 2
GLOBAL-7 2020-055BP 2020-08-07 AFETR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with Starlink v1.0 L9-1, ..., L9-57, BlackSky 6
GLOBAL-8 2020-055BQ 2020-08-07 AFETR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with Starlink v1.0 L9-1, ..., L9-57, BlackSky 5
GLOBAL-9 2021-023G 2021-03-22 RLLC Electron Photon-LEO with Centauri 3, Myriota 7, RAAF-M2 A, RAAF-M2 B, Gunsmoke-J 3, Veery Hatchling, Pathstone
GLOBAL-14 2021-106A 2021-11-18 RLLC Electron KS (R) with BlackSky 11
GLOBAL-15 2021-106B 2021-11-18 RLLC Electron KS (R) with BlackSky 10
GLOBAL-13 2021-115BB 2021-12-02 AFETR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with Starlink v1.5 G4-3-1, ..., G4-3-48, BlackSky 12
GLOBAL-12 2021-115BA 2021-12-02 AFETR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with Starlink v1.5 G4-3-1, ..., G4-3-48, BlackSky 13
GLOBAL-16 2021-120B 2021-12-09 RLLC Electron KS with BlackSky 15
GLOBAL-17 2021-120A 2021-12-09 RLLC Electron KS with BlackSky 14
GLOBAL-18 2022-034B 2022-04-02 RLLC Electron KS with BlackSky 17
GLOBAL-20 2022-034C 2022-04-02 RLLC Electron KS with BlackSky 16