Official name ASTRA SATELLITE 00001
Alternative name STP-S27AD2
Cospar ID 2021-108A
Norad ID 49494
Launch date 2021-11-20
Launch site KODAK
Launch vehicle Astra Rocket-3.3
Country/Organization USA
Type application Vehicle evaluation
Operator Space Test Program
Decay date 2023-05-14
Shape Cyl + Box
Mass (kg) 201
Diameter (m) 1.2
Height (m) 1.1
Span (m^2) 1.2
Contractors Astra Space Inc.
Configuration Instrumented upper stage
Power Batteries

STP-27AD1 is a vehicle evaluation payload for the maiden flights of the Astra Rocket-3.3 rocket for the Space Test Program (STP). The flight carries a non-separable test payload to record data on the launch environment.

STP-27AD1 failed to reach orbit due to a launch vehicle failure.

STP-27AD2 is a reflight, which successfully reached orbit on 20 November 2021.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
ASTRA SATELLITE 00001 2021-108A 2021-11-20 KODAK Astra Rocket-3.3