Official name SATLLA-2B
Alternative name SATTLA-2B
Cospar ID 2022-002AG
Norad ID 51014
Launch date 2022-01-13
Launch site AFETR
Launch vehicle Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5)
Country/Organization Israel
Type application Technology
Operator Ariel University
Decay date 2023-11-01
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 0.5
Height (m) 0.1
Width (m) 0.05
Depth (m) 0.05
Span (m^2) 0.1
Contractors Ariel University
Equipment ?
Propulsion None
Configuration PocketQube (2P)
Power Solar cells, batteries

The Israeli student satellites SATLLA 2A ans 2B are experimental and educational spacecraft developed and built by students of secondary schools at Ariel University. It is built to the 2P PocketQube standard.

The satellite?s mission is an educational one. This satellite was designed and constructed by students. The aim is for the satellite to introduce the students to the ?new-space? frontier - with a hands-on practice. The cubesat?s LEDs will flash brightly enough to be seen by an earth located telescope - as the SATLLA-2 passes across the night sky. SATLLA-2 will take low-resolution photos and will broadcast the photos over the amateur radio. SATLLA-2 will broadcast a signal over amateur radio with its position in orbit and data from its sensors (battery status, gyro, gps) SATLLA-2 will relay short messages over amateur radio with format.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
SATLLA-2B 2022-002AG 2022-01-13 AFETR Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) with Umbra 02, Capella 7, 8, ICEYE X14, X16, Sich 2-1, ION-SCV 004, Dodona, STORK 1, 2, LabSat, SW1FT, VZLUSAT 2, ETV A1, BRO 5, HYPSO 1, Kepler 16, ..., 19, Flock-4x 1, ..., 44, Lemur-2 148, 149, 150, Lemur-2 146, 147, DEWA-Sat 1, NuX 1, IRIS A, MDASat 1a, 1b, 1c, Gossamer Piccolomini, Tevel 1, ..., 8, Challenger, Delfi-PQ 1, Unicorn 2A, 2D, 2E, FossaSat 2E1, ..., 2E6, MDQube-SAT 1, SATLLA 2A, 2B, Unicorn 1, EASAT 2, HADES, Grizu-263a, PION-BR 1, SanoSat 1, Tartan-Artibeus 1, USA 320, ..., 323