Official name COSMOS 414
Alternative name Cosmos-414
Cospar ID 1971-041D
Norad ID 5213
Launch date 1971-05-07
Launch site PKMTR
Launch vehicle Kosmos-3M
Country/Organization USSR
Type application Military Communication
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 115.1
Inclination (deg) 74.01
Perigee (km) 1427
Apogee (km) 1493
Eccentricity 0.0226027397260274
Mean motion (revs. per day) 12.5108601216334
Semi-Major axis (km) 7838.135
Raan (deg) 175.5594
Arg of perigee (deg) 119.1503
Shape Sphere
Mass (kg) 39.64
Height (m) 0.8
Width (m) 0.8
Depth (m) 0.8
Span (m^2) 0.8
Lifetime 6 months
Contractors NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki (NPO PM)
Power Solar cells, batteries

The Strela-1M satellites were one component of the Strela store-dump communication system. It consisted of a large number of satellites deployed one orbital plane.

The Strela-1M satellites were orbited in octuplets and were allowed to drift ramdomly in their 1500 km orbits to allow a more or less even distribution. Due to the short lifetime of the satellites, the constellation was replenished one or two times per year. The larger and lower orbit Strela-2M satellites complemented the constellation for secret communications.

The Strela-1M satellites were first orbited in 1970 after tests with the earlier Strela-1 satellites. Beginning in 1982, the system was replaced by the more capable Strela-3 constellation, leading to a phase out of the Strela-1M system in 1992.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
COSMOS 336 1970-036A 1970-04-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 336, ..., 343 (Strela-1M #1, ..., 8)
COSMOS 337 1970-036B 1970-04-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 336, ..., 343 (Strela-1M #1, ..., 8)
COSMOS 338 1970-036C 1970-04-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 336, ..., 343 (Strela-1M #1, ..., 8)
COSMOS 339 1970-036D 1970-04-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 336, ..., 343 (Strela-1M #1, ..., 8)
COSMOS 340 1970-036E 1970-04-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 336, ..., 343 (Strela-1M #1, ..., 8)
COSMOS 341 1970-036F 1970-04-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 336, ..., 343 (Strela-1M #1, ..., 8)
COSMOS 342 1970-036G 1970-04-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 336, ..., 343 (Strela-1M #1, ..., 8)
COSMOS 343 1970-036H 1970-04-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 336, ..., 343 (Strela-1M #1, ..., 8)
COSMOS 411 1971-041A 1971-05-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 411, ..., 418 (Strela-1M #9, ..., 16)
COSMOS 412 1971-041B 1971-05-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 411, ..., 418 (Strela-1M #9, ..., 16)
COSMOS 413 1971-041C 1971-05-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 411, ..., 418 (Strela-1M #9, ..., 16)
COSMOS 414 1971-041D 1971-05-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 411, ..., 418 (Strela-1M #9, ..., 16)
COSMOS 415 1971-041E 1971-05-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 411, ..., 418 (Strela-1M #9, ..., 16)
COSMOS 416 1971-041F 1971-05-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 411, ..., 418 (Strela-1M #9, ..., 16)
COSMOS 417 1971-041G 1971-05-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 411, ..., 418 (Strela-1M #9, ..., 16)
COSMOS 418 1971-041H 1971-05-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 411, ..., 418 (Strela-1M #9, ..., 16)
COSMOS 444 1971-086A 1971-10-13 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 444, ..., 451 (Strela-1M #17, ..., 24)
COSMOS 445 1971-086B 1971-10-13 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 444, ..., 451 (Strela-1M #17, ..., 24)
COSMOS 446 1971-086C 1971-10-13 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 444, ..., 451 (Strela-1M #17, ..., 24)
COSMOS 447 1971-086D 1971-10-13 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 444, ..., 451 (Strela-1M #17, ..., 24)
COSMOS 448 1971-086E 1971-10-13 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 444, ..., 451 (Strela-1M #17, ..., 24)
COSMOS 449 1971-086F 1971-10-13 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 444, ..., 451 (Strela-1M #17, ..., 24)
COSMOS 450 1971-086G 1971-10-13 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 444, ..., 451 (Strela-1M #17, ..., 24)
COSMOS 451 1971-086H 1971-10-13 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 444, ..., 451 (Strela-1M #17, ..., 24)
COSMOS 504 1972-057A 1972-07-20 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 504, ..., 511 (Strela-1M #25, ..., 32)
COSMOS 505 1972-057B 1972-07-20 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 504, ..., 511 (Strela-1M #25, ..., 32)
COSMOS 506 1972-057C 1972-07-20 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 504, ..., 511 (Strela-1M #25, ..., 32)
COSMOS 507 1972-057D 1972-07-20 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 504, ..., 511 (Strela-1M #25, ..., 32)
COSMOS 508 1972-057E 1972-07-20 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 504, ..., 511 (Strela-1M #25, ..., 32)
COSMOS 509 1972-057F 1972-07-20 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 504, ..., 511 (Strela-1M #25, ..., 32)
COSMOS 510 1972-057G 1972-07-20 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 504, ..., 511 (Strela-1M #25, ..., 32)
COSMOS 511 1972-057H 1972-07-20 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 504, ..., 511 (Strela-1M #25, ..., 32)
COSMOS 528 1972-087A 1972-11-01 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 528, ..., 535 (Strela-1M #33, ..., 40)
COSMOS 529 1972-087B 1972-11-01 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 528, ..., 535 (Strela-1M #33, ..., 40)
COSMOS 530 1972-087C 1972-11-01 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 528, ..., 535 (Strela-1M #33, ..., 40)
COSMOS 531 1972-087D 1972-11-01 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 528, ..., 535 (Strela-1M #33, ..., 40)
COSMOS 532 1972-087E 1972-11-01 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 528, ..., 535 (Strela-1M #33, ..., 40)
COSMOS 533 1972-087F 1972-11-01 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 528, ..., 535 (Strela-1M #33, ..., 40)
COSMOS 534 1972-087G 1972-11-01 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 528, ..., 535 (Strela-1M #33, ..., 40)
COSMOS 535 1972-087H 1972-11-01 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 528, ..., 535 (Strela-1M #33, ..., 40)
COSMOS 564 1973-037A 1973-06-08 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 564, ..., 571 (Strela-1M #41, ..., 48)
COSMOS 565 1973-037B 1973-06-08 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 564, ..., 571 (Strela-1M #41, ..., 48)
COSMOS 566 1973-037C 1973-06-08 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 564, ..., 571 (Strela-1M #41, ..., 48)
COSMOS 567 1973-037D 1973-06-08 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 564, ..., 571 (Strela-1M #41, ..., 48)
COSMOS 568 1973-037E 1973-06-08 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 564, ..., 571 (Strela-1M #41, ..., 48)
COSMOS 569 1973-037F 1973-06-08 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 564, ..., 571 (Strela-1M #41, ..., 48)
COSMOS 570 1973-037G 1973-06-08 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 564, ..., 571 (Strela-1M #41, ..., 48)
COSMOS 571 1973-037H 1973-06-08 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 564, ..., 571 (Strela-1M #41, ..., 48)
COSMOS 588 1973-069A 1973-10-02 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 588, ..., 595 (Strela-1M #49, ..., 56)
COSMOS 589 1973-069B 1973-10-02 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 588, ..., 595 (Strela-1M #49, ..., 56)
COSMOS 590 1973-069C 1973-10-02 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 588, ..., 595 (Strela-1M #49, ..., 56)
COSMOS 591 1973-069D 1973-10-02 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 588, ..., 595 (Strela-1M #49, ..., 56)
COSMOS 592 1973-069E 1973-10-02 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 588, ..., 595 (Strela-1M #49, ..., 56)
COSMOS 593 1973-069F 1973-10-02 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 588, ..., 595 (Strela-1M #49, ..., 56)
COSMOS 594 1973-069G 1973-10-02 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 588, ..., 595 (Strela-1M #49, ..., 56)
COSMOS 595 1973-069H 1973-10-02 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 588, ..., 595 (Strela-1M #49, ..., 56)
COSMOS 617 1973-104A 1973-12-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 617, ..., 624 (Strela-1M #57, ..., 64)
COSMOS 618 1973-104B 1973-12-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 617, ..., 624 (Strela-1M #57, ..., 64)
COSMOS 619 1973-104C 1973-12-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 617, ..., 624 (Strela-1M #57, ..., 64)
COSMOS 620 1973-104D 1973-12-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 617, ..., 624 (Strela-1M #57, ..., 64)
COSMOS 621 1973-104E 1973-12-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 617, ..., 624 (Strela-1M #57, ..., 64)
COSMOS 622 1973-104F 1973-12-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 617, ..., 624 (Strela-1M #57, ..., 64)
COSMOS 623 1973-104G 1973-12-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 617, ..., 624 (Strela-1M #57, ..., 64)
COSMOS 624 1973-104H 1973-12-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 617, ..., 624 (Strela-1M #57, ..., 64)
COSMOS 641 1974-024A 1974-04-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 641, ..., 648 (Strela-1M #65, ..., 72)
COSMOS 642 1974-024B 1974-04-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 641, ..., 648 (Strela-1M #65, ..., 72)
COSMOS 643 1974-024C 1974-04-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 641, ..., 648 (Strela-1M #65, ..., 72)
COSMOS 644 1974-024D 1974-04-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 641, ..., 648 (Strela-1M #65, ..., 72)
COSMOS 645 1974-024E 1974-04-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 641, ..., 648 (Strela-1M #65, ..., 72)
COSMOS 646 1974-024F 1974-04-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 641, ..., 648 (Strela-1M #65, ..., 72)
COSMOS 647 1974-024G 1974-04-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 641, ..., 648 (Strela-1M #65, ..., 72)
COSMOS 648 1974-024H 1974-04-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 641, ..., 648 (Strela-1M #65, ..., 72)
COSMOS 677 1974-072A 1974-09-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 677, ..., 684 (Strela-1M #73, ..., 80)
COSMOS 678 1974-072B 1974-09-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 677, ..., 684 (Strela-1M #73, ..., 80)
COSMOS 679 1974-072C 1974-09-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 677, ..., 684 (Strela-1M #73, ..., 80)
COSMOS 680 1974-072D 1974-09-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 677, ..., 684 (Strela-1M #73, ..., 80)
COSMOS 681 1974-072E 1974-09-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 677, ..., 684 (Strela-1M #73, ..., 80)
COSMOS 682 1974-072F 1974-09-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 677, ..., 684 (Strela-1M #73, ..., 80)
COSMOS 683 1974-072G 1974-09-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 677, ..., 684 (Strela-1M #73, ..., 80)
COSMOS 684 1974-072H 1974-09-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 677, ..., 684 (Strela-1M #73, ..., 80)
COSMOS 711 1975-016A 1975-02-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 711, ..., 718 (Strela-1M #81, ..., 88)
COSMOS 712 1975-016B 1975-02-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 711, ..., 718 (Strela-1M #81, ..., 88)
COSMOS 713 1975-016C 1975-02-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 711, ..., 718 (Strela-1M #81, ..., 88)
COSMOS 714 1975-016D 1975-02-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 711, ..., 718 (Strela-1M #81, ..., 88)
COSMOS 715 1975-016E 1975-02-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 711, ..., 718 (Strela-1M #81, ..., 88)
COSMOS 716 1975-016F 1975-02-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 711, ..., 718 (Strela-1M #81, ..., 88)
COSMOS 717 1975-016G 1975-02-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 711, ..., 718 (Strela-1M #81, ..., 88)
COSMOS 718 1975-016H 1975-02-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 711, ..., 718 (Strela-1M #81, ..., 88)
COSMOS 732 1975-045A 1975-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 732, ..., 739 (Strela-1M #89, ..., 96)
COSMOS 733 1975-045B 1975-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 732, ..., 739 (Strela-1M #89, ..., 96)
COSMOS 734 1975-045C 1975-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 732, ..., 739 (Strela-1M #89, ..., 96)
COSMOS 735 1975-045D 1975-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 732, ..., 739 (Strela-1M #89, ..., 96)
COSMOS 736 1975-045E 1975-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 732, ..., 739 (Strela-1M #89, ..., 96)
COSMOS 737 1975-045F 1975-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 732, ..., 739 (Strela-1M #89, ..., 96)
COSMOS 738 1975-045G 1975-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 732, ..., 739 (Strela-1M #89, ..., 96)
COSMOS 739 1975-045H 1975-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 732, ..., 739 (Strela-1M #89, ..., 96)
COSMOS 761 1975-086A 1975-09-17 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 761, ..., 768 (Strela-1M #97, ..., 104)
COSMOS 762 1975-086B 1975-09-17 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 761, ..., 768 (Strela-1M #97, ..., 104)
COSMOS 763 1975-086C 1975-09-17 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 761, ..., 768 (Strela-1M #97, ..., 104)
COSMOS 764 1975-086D 1975-09-17 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 761, ..., 768 (Strela-1M #97, ..., 104)
COSMOS 765 1975-086E 1975-09-17 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 761, ..., 768 (Strela-1M #97, ..., 104)
COSMOS 766 1975-086F 1975-09-17 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 761, ..., 768 (Strela-1M #97, ..., 104)
COSMOS 767 1975-086G 1975-09-17 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 761, ..., 768 (Strela-1M #97, ..., 104)
COSMOS 768 1975-086H 1975-09-17 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 761, ..., 768 (Strela-1M #97, ..., 104)
COSMOS 791 1976-008A 1976-01-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 791, ..., 798 (Strela-1M #105, ..., 112)
COSMOS 792 1976-008B 1976-01-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 791, ..., 798 (Strela-1M #105, ..., 112)
COSMOS 793 1976-008C 1976-01-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 791, ..., 798 (Strela-1M #105, ..., 112)
COSMOS 794 1976-008D 1976-01-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 791, ..., 798 (Strela-1M #105, ..., 112)
COSMOS 795 1976-008E 1976-01-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 791, ..., 798 (Strela-1M #105, ..., 112)
COSMOS 796 1976-008F 1976-01-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 791, ..., 798 (Strela-1M #105, ..., 112)
COSMOS 797 1976-008G 1976-01-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 791, ..., 798 (Strela-1M #105, ..., 112)
COSMOS 798 1976-008H 1976-01-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 791, ..., 798 (Strela-1M #105, ..., 112)
COSMOS 825 1976-054A 1976-06-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 825, ..., 832 (Strela-1M #113, ..., 120)
COSMOS 826 1976-054B 1976-06-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 825, ..., 832 (Strela-1M #113, ..., 120)
COSMOS 827 1976-054C 1976-06-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 825, ..., 832 (Strela-1M #113, ..., 120)
COSMOS 828 1976-054D 1976-06-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 825, ..., 832 (Strela-1M #113, ..., 120)
COSMOS 829 1976-054E 1976-06-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 825, ..., 832 (Strela-1M #113, ..., 120)
COSMOS 830 1976-054F 1976-06-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 825, ..., 832 (Strela-1M #113, ..., 120)
COSMOS 831 1976-054G 1976-06-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 825, ..., 832 (Strela-1M #113, ..., 120)
COSMOS 832 1976-054H 1976-06-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 825, ..., 832 (Strela-1M #113, ..., 120)
COSMOS 871 1976-118A 1976-12-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 871, ..., 878 (Strela-1M #121, ..., 128)
COSMOS 872 1976-118B 1976-12-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 871, ..., 878 (Strela-1M #121, ..., 128)
COSMOS 873 1976-118C 1976-12-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 871, ..., 878 (Strela-1M #121, ..., 128)
COSMOS 874 1976-118D 1976-12-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 871, ..., 878 (Strela-1M #121, ..., 128)
COSMOS 875 1976-118E 1976-12-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 871, ..., 878 (Strela-1M #121, ..., 128)
COSMOS 876 1976-118F 1976-12-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 871, ..., 878 (Strela-1M #121, ..., 128)
COSMOS 877 1976-118G 1976-12-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 871, ..., 878 (Strela-1M #121, ..., 128)
COSMOS 878 1976-118H 1976-12-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 871, ..., 878 (Strela-1M #121, ..., 128)
COSMOS 939 1977-079A 1977-08-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 939, ..., 946 (Strela-1M #129, ..., 136)
COSMOS 940 1977-079B 1977-08-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 939, ..., 946 (Strela-1M #129, ..., 136)
COSMOS 941 1977-079C 1977-08-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 939, ..., 946 (Strela-1M #129, ..., 136)
COSMOS 942 1977-079D 1977-08-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 939, ..., 946 (Strela-1M #129, ..., 136)
COSMOS 943 1977-079E 1977-08-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 939, ..., 946 (Strela-1M #129, ..., 136)
COSMOS 944 1977-079F 1977-08-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 939, ..., 946 (Strela-1M #129, ..., 136)
COSMOS 945 1977-079G 1977-08-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 939, ..., 946 (Strela-1M #129, ..., 136)
COSMOS 946 1977-079H 1977-08-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 939, ..., 946 (Strela-1M #129, ..., 136)
COSMOS 976 1978-005A 1978-01-10 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 976, ..., 983 (Strela-1M #137, ..., 144)
COSMOS 977 1978-005B 1978-01-10 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 976, ..., 983 (Strela-1M #137, ..., 144)
COSMOS 978 1978-005C 1978-01-10 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 976, ..., 983 (Strela-1M #137, ..., 144)
COSMOS 979 1978-005D 1978-01-10 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 976, ..., 983 (Strela-1M #137, ..., 144)
COSMOS 980 1978-005E 1978-01-10 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 976, ..., 983 (Strela-1M #137, ..., 144)
COSMOS 981 1978-005F 1978-01-10 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 976, ..., 983 (Strela-1M #137, ..., 144)
COSMOS 982 1978-005G 1978-01-10 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 976, ..., 983 (Strela-1M #137, ..., 144)
COSMOS 983 1978-005H 1978-01-10 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 976, ..., 983 (Strela-1M #137, ..., 144)
COSMOS 1013 1978-056A 1978-06-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1013, ..., 1020 (Strela-1M #145, ..., 152)
COSMOS 1014 1978-056B 1978-06-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1013, ..., 1020 (Strela-1M #145, ..., 152)
COSMOS 1015 1978-056C 1978-06-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1013, ..., 1020 (Strela-1M #145, ..., 152)
COSMOS 1016 1978-056D 1978-06-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1013, ..., 1020 (Strela-1M #145, ..., 152)
COSMOS 1017 1978-056E 1978-06-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1013, ..., 1020 (Strela-1M #145, ..., 152)
COSMOS 1018 1978-056F 1978-06-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1013, ..., 1020 (Strela-1M #145, ..., 152)
COSMOS 1019 1978-056G 1978-06-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1013, ..., 1020 (Strela-1M #145, ..., 152)
COSMOS 1020 1978-056H 1978-06-07 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1013, ..., 1020 (Strela-1M #145, ..., 152)
COSMOS 1034 1978-091A 1978-10-04 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1034, ..., 1041 (Strela-1M #153, ..., 160)
COSMOS 1035 1978-091B 1978-10-04 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1034, ..., 1041 (Strela-1M #153, ..., 160)
COSMOS 1036 1978-091C 1978-10-04 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1034, ..., 1041 (Strela-1M #153, ..., 160)
COSMOS 1037 1978-091D 1978-10-04 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1034, ..., 1041 (Strela-1M #153, ..., 160)
COSMOS 1038 1978-091E 1978-10-04 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1034, ..., 1041 (Strela-1M #153, ..., 160)
COSMOS 1039 1978-091F 1978-10-04 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1034, ..., 1041 (Strela-1M #153, ..., 160)
COSMOS 1040 1978-091G 1978-10-04 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1034, ..., 1041 (Strela-1M #153, ..., 160)
COSMOS 1041 1978-091H 1978-10-04 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1034, ..., 1041 (Strela-1M #153, ..., 160)
COSMOS 1051 1978-109A 1978-12-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1051, ..., 1058 (Strela-1M #161, ..., 168)
COSMOS 1052 1978-109B 1978-12-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1051, ..., 1058 (Strela-1M #161, ..., 168)
COSMOS 1053 1978-109C 1978-12-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1051, ..., 1058 (Strela-1M #161, ..., 168)
COSMOS 1054 1978-109D 1978-12-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1051, ..., 1058 (Strela-1M #161, ..., 168)
COSMOS 1055 1978-109E 1978-12-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1051, ..., 1058 (Strela-1M #161, ..., 168)
COSMOS 1056 1978-109F 1978-12-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1051, ..., 1058 (Strela-1M #161, ..., 168)
COSMOS 1057 1978-109G 1978-12-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1051, ..., 1058 (Strela-1M #161, ..., 168)
COSMOS 1058 1978-109H 1978-12-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1051, ..., 1058 (Strela-1M #161, ..., 168)
COSMOS 1081 1979-024A 1979-03-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1081, ..., 1088 (Strela-1M #169, ..., 176)
COSMOS 1082 1979-024B 1979-03-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1081, ..., 1088 (Strela-1M #169, ..., 176)
COSMOS 1083 1979-024C 1979-03-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1081, ..., 1088 (Strela-1M #169, ..., 176)
COSMOS 1084 1979-024D 1979-03-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1081, ..., 1088 (Strela-1M #169, ..., 176)
COSMOS 1085 1979-024E 1979-03-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1081, ..., 1088 (Strela-1M #169, ..., 176)
COSMOS 1086 1979-024F 1979-03-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1081, ..., 1088 (Strela-1M #169, ..., 176)
COSMOS 1087 1979-024G 1979-03-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1081, ..., 1088 (Strela-1M #169, ..., 176)
COSMOS 1088 1979-024H 1979-03-15 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1081, ..., 1088 (Strela-1M #169, ..., 176)
COSMOS 1130 1979-084A 1979-09-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1130, ..., 1137 (Strela-1M #177, ..., 184)
COSMOS 1131 1979-084B 1979-09-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1130, ..., 1137 (Strela-1M #177, ..., 184)
COSMOS 1132 1979-084C 1979-09-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1130, ..., 1137 (Strela-1M #177, ..., 184)
COSMOS 1133 1979-084D 1979-09-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1130, ..., 1137 (Strela-1M #177, ..., 184)
COSMOS 1134 1979-084E 1979-09-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1130, ..., 1137 (Strela-1M #177, ..., 184)
COSMOS 1135 1979-084F 1979-09-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1130, ..., 1137 (Strela-1M #177, ..., 184)
COSMOS 1136 1979-084G 1979-09-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1130, ..., 1137 (Strela-1M #177, ..., 184)
COSMOS 1137 1979-084H 1979-09-25 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1130, ..., 1137 (Strela-1M #177, ..., 184)
COSMOS 1156 1980-012A 1980-02-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1156, ..., 1163 (Strela-1M #185, ..., 192)
COSMOS 1157 1980-012B 1980-02-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1156, ..., 1163 (Strela-1M #185, ..., 192)
COSMOS 1158 1980-012C 1980-02-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1156, ..., 1163 (Strela-1M #185, ..., 192)
COSMOS 1159 1980-012D 1980-02-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1156, ..., 1163 (Strela-1M #185, ..., 192)
COSMOS 1160 1980-012E 1980-02-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1156, ..., 1163 (Strela-1M #185, ..., 192)
COSMOS 1161 1980-012F 1980-02-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1156, ..., 1163 (Strela-1M #185, ..., 192)
COSMOS 1162 1980-012G 1980-02-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1156, ..., 1163 (Strela-1M #185, ..., 192)
COSMOS 1163 1980-012H 1980-02-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1156, ..., 1163 (Strela-1M #185, ..., 192)
COSMOS 1192 1980-058A 1980-07-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1192, ..., 1199 (Strela-1M #193, ..., 200)
COSMOS 1193 1980-058B 1980-07-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1192, ..., 1199 (Strela-1M #193, ..., 200)
COSMOS 1194 1980-058C 1980-07-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1192, ..., 1199 (Strela-1M #193, ..., 200)
COSMOS 1195 1980-058D 1980-07-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1192, ..., 1199 (Strela-1M #193, ..., 200)
COSMOS 1196 1980-058E 1980-07-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1192, ..., 1199 (Strela-1M #193, ..., 200)
COSMOS 1197 1980-058F 1980-07-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1192, ..., 1199 (Strela-1M #193, ..., 200)
COSMOS 1198 1980-058G 1980-07-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1192, ..., 1199 (Strela-1M #193, ..., 200)
COSMOS 1199 1980-058H 1980-07-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1192, ..., 1199 (Strela-1M #193, ..., 200)
COSMOS 1228 1980-102A 1980-12-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1228, ..., 1235 (Strela-1M #201, ..., 208)
COSMOS 1229 1980-102B 1980-12-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1228, ..., 1235 (Strela-1M #201, ..., 208)
COSMOS 1230 1980-102C 1980-12-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1228, ..., 1235 (Strela-1M #201, ..., 208)
COSMOS 1231 1980-102D 1980-12-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1228, ..., 1235 (Strela-1M #201, ..., 208)
COSMOS 1232 1980-102E 1980-12-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1228, ..., 1235 (Strela-1M #201, ..., 208)
COSMOS 1233 1980-102F 1980-12-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1228, ..., 1235 (Strela-1M #201, ..., 208)
COSMOS 1234 1980-102G 1980-12-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1228, ..., 1235 (Strela-1M #201, ..., 208)
COSMOS 1235 1980-102H 1980-12-23 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1228, ..., 1235 (Strela-1M #201, ..., 208)
COSMOS 1250 1981-022A 1981-03-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1250, ..., 1257 (Strela-1M #209, ..., 216)
COSMOS 1251 1981-022B 1981-03-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1250, ..., 1257 (Strela-1M #209, ..., 216)
COSMOS 1252 1981-022C 1981-03-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1250, ..., 1257 (Strela-1M #209, ..., 216)
COSMOS 1253 1981-022D 1981-03-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1250, ..., 1257 (Strela-1M #209, ..., 216)
COSMOS 1254 1981-022E 1981-03-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1250, ..., 1257 (Strela-1M #209, ..., 216)
COSMOS 1255 1981-022F 1981-03-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1250, ..., 1257 (Strela-1M #209, ..., 216)
COSMOS 1256 1981-022G 1981-03-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1250, ..., 1257 (Strela-1M #209, ..., 216)
COSMOS 1257 1981-022H 1981-03-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1250, ..., 1257 (Strela-1M #209, ..., 216)
COSMOS 1287 1981-074A 1981-08-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1287, ..., 1294 (Strela-1M #217, ..., 224)
COSMOS 1288 1981-074B 1981-08-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1287, ..., 1294 (Strela-1M #217, ..., 224)
COSMOS 1289 1981-074C 1981-08-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1287, ..., 1294 (Strela-1M #217, ..., 224)
COSMOS 1290 1981-074D 1981-08-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1287, ..., 1294 (Strela-1M #217, ..., 224)
COSMOS 1291 1981-074E 1981-08-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1287, ..., 1294 (Strela-1M #217, ..., 224)
COSMOS 1292 1981-074F 1981-08-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1287, ..., 1294 (Strela-1M #217, ..., 224)
COSMOS 1293 1981-074G 1981-08-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1287, ..., 1294 (Strela-1M #217, ..., 224)
COSMOS 1294 1981-074H 1981-08-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1287, ..., 1294 (Strela-1M #217, ..., 224)
COSMOS 1320 1981-116A 1981-11-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1320, ..., 1327 (Strela-1M #225, ..., 232)
COSMOS 1321 1981-116B 1981-11-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1320, ..., 1327 (Strela-1M #225, ..., 232)
COSMOS 1322 1981-116C 1981-11-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1320, ..., 1327 (Strela-1M #225, ..., 232)
COSMOS 1323 1981-116D 1981-11-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1320, ..., 1327 (Strela-1M #225, ..., 232)
COSMOS 1324 1981-116E 1981-11-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1320, ..., 1327 (Strela-1M #225, ..., 232)
COSMOS 1325 1981-116F 1981-11-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1320, ..., 1327 (Strela-1M #225, ..., 232)
COSMOS 1326 1981-116G 1981-11-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1320, ..., 1327 (Strela-1M #225, ..., 232)
COSMOS 1327 1981-116H 1981-11-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1320, ..., 1327 (Strela-1M #225, ..., 232)
COSMOS 1357 1982-040A 1982-05-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1357, ..., 1364 (Strela-1M #233, ..., 240)
COSMOS 1358 1982-040B 1982-05-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1357, ..., 1364 (Strela-1M #233, ..., 240)
COSMOS 1359 1982-040C 1982-05-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1357, ..., 1364 (Strela-1M #233, ..., 240)
COSMOS 1360 1982-040D 1982-05-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1357, ..., 1364 (Strela-1M #233, ..., 240)
COSMOS 1361 1982-040E 1982-05-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1357, ..., 1364 (Strela-1M #233, ..., 240)
COSMOS 1362 1982-040F 1982-05-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1357, ..., 1364 (Strela-1M #233, ..., 240)
COSMOS 1363 1982-040G 1982-05-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1357, ..., 1364 (Strela-1M #233, ..., 240)
COSMOS 1364 1982-040H 1982-05-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1357, ..., 1364 (Strela-1M #233, ..., 240)
COSMOS 1388 1982-073A 1982-07-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1388, ..., 1395 (Strela-1M #241, ..., 248)
COSMOS 1389 1982-073B 1982-07-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1388, ..., 1395 (Strela-1M #241, ..., 248)
COSMOS 1390 1982-073C 1982-07-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1388, ..., 1395 (Strela-1M #241, ..., 248)
COSMOS 1391 1982-073D 1982-07-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1388, ..., 1395 (Strela-1M #241, ..., 248)
COSMOS 1392 1982-073E 1982-07-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1388, ..., 1395 (Strela-1M #241, ..., 248)
COSMOS 1393 1982-073F 1982-07-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1388, ..., 1395 (Strela-1M #241, ..., 248)
COSMOS 1394 1982-073G 1982-07-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1388, ..., 1395 (Strela-1M #241, ..., 248)
COSMOS 1395 1982-073H 1982-07-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1388, ..., 1395 (Strela-1M #241, ..., 248)
COSMOS 1429 1983-002A 1983-01-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1429, ..., 1436 (Strela-1M #257, ..., 264)
COSMOS 1430 1983-002B 1983-01-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1429, ..., 1436 (Strela-1M #257, ..., 264)
COSMOS 1431 1983-002C 1983-01-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1429, ..., 1436 (Strela-1M #257, ..., 264)
COSMOS 1432 1983-002D 1983-01-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1429, ..., 1436 (Strela-1M #257, ..., 264)
COSMOS 1433 1983-002E 1983-01-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1429, ..., 1436 (Strela-1M #257, ..., 264)
COSMOS 1434 1983-002F 1983-01-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1429, ..., 1436 (Strela-1M #257, ..., 264)
COSMOS 1435 1983-002G 1983-01-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1429, ..., 1436 (Strela-1M #257, ..., 264)
COSMOS 1436 1983-002H 1983-01-19 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1429, ..., 1436 (Strela-1M #257, ..., 264)
COSMOS 1473 1983-069A 1983-07-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1473, ..., 1480 (Strela-1M #265, ..., 272)
COSMOS 1474 1983-069B 1983-07-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1473, ..., 1480 (Strela-1M #265, ..., 272)
COSMOS 1475 1983-069C 1983-07-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1473, ..., 1480 (Strela-1M #265, ..., 272)
COSMOS 1476 1983-069D 1983-07-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1473, ..., 1480 (Strela-1M #265, ..., 272)
COSMOS 1477 1983-069E 1983-07-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1473, ..., 1480 (Strela-1M #265, ..., 272)
COSMOS 1478 1983-069F 1983-07-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1473, ..., 1480 (Strela-1M #265, ..., 272)
COSMOS 1479 1983-069G 1983-07-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1473, ..., 1480 (Strela-1M #265, ..., 272)
COSMOS 1480 1983-069H 1983-07-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1473, ..., 1480 (Strela-1M #265, ..., 272)
COSMOS 1522 1984-001A 1984-01-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1522, ..., 1529 (Strela-1M #273, ..., 280)
COSMOS 1523 1984-001B 1984-01-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1522, ..., 1529 (Strela-1M #273, ..., 280)
COSMOS 1524 1984-001C 1984-01-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1522, ..., 1529 (Strela-1M #273, ..., 280)
COSMOS 1525 1984-001D 1984-01-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1522, ..., 1529 (Strela-1M #273, ..., 280)
COSMOS 1526 1984-001E 1984-01-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1522, ..., 1529 (Strela-1M #273, ..., 280)
COSMOS 1527 1984-001F 1984-01-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1522, ..., 1529 (Strela-1M #273, ..., 280)
COSMOS 1528 1984-001G 1984-01-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1522, ..., 1529 (Strela-1M #273, ..., 280)
COSMOS 1529 1984-001H 1984-01-05 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1522, ..., 1529 (Strela-1M #273, ..., 280)
COSMOS 1559 1984-052A 1984-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1559, ..., 1566 (Strela-1M #281, ..., 288)
COSMOS 1560 1984-052B 1984-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1559, ..., 1566 (Strela-1M #281, ..., 288)
COSMOS 1561 1984-052C 1984-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1559, ..., 1566 (Strela-1M #281, ..., 288)
COSMOS 1562 1984-052D 1984-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1559, ..., 1566 (Strela-1M #281, ..., 288)
COSMOS 1563 1984-052E 1984-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1559, ..., 1566 (Strela-1M #281, ..., 288)
COSMOS 1564 1984-052F 1984-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1559, ..., 1566 (Strela-1M #281, ..., 288)
COSMOS 1565 1984-052G 1984-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1559, ..., 1566 (Strela-1M #281, ..., 288)
COSMOS 1566 1984-052H 1984-05-28 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1559, ..., 1566 (Strela-1M #281, ..., 288)
COSMOS 1635 1985-023A 1985-03-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1635, ..., 1642 (Strela-1M #289, ..., 296)
COSMOS 1636 1985-023B 1985-03-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1635, ..., 1642 (Strela-1M #289, ..., 296)
COSMOS 1637 1985-023C 1985-03-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1635, ..., 1642 (Strela-1M #289, ..., 296)
COSMOS 1638 1985-023D 1985-03-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1635, ..., 1642 (Strela-1M #289, ..., 296)
COSMOS 1639 1985-023E 1985-03-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1635, ..., 1642 (Strela-1M #289, ..., 296)
COSMOS 1640 1985-023F 1985-03-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1635, ..., 1642 (Strela-1M #289, ..., 296)
COSMOS 1641 1985-023G 1985-03-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1635, ..., 1642 (Strela-1M #289, ..., 296)
COSMOS 1642 1985-023H 1985-03-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1635, ..., 1642 (Strela-1M #289, ..., 296)
COSMOS 1716 1986-002A 1986-01-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1716, ..., 1723 (Strela-1M #297, ..., 304)
COSMOS 1717 1986-002B 1986-01-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1716, ..., 1723 (Strela-1M #297, ..., 304)
COSMOS 1718 1986-002C 1986-01-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1716, ..., 1723 (Strela-1M #297, ..., 304)
COSMOS 1719 1986-002D 1986-01-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1716, ..., 1723 (Strela-1M #297, ..., 304)
COSMOS 1720 1986-002E 1986-01-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1716, ..., 1723 (Strela-1M #297, ..., 304)
COSMOS 1721 1986-002F 1986-01-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1716, ..., 1723 (Strela-1M #297, ..., 304)
COSMOS 1722 1986-002G 1986-01-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1716, ..., 1723 (Strela-1M #297, ..., 304)
COSMOS 1723 1986-002H 1986-01-09 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1716, ..., 1723 (Strela-1M #297, ..., 304)
COSMOS 1748 1986-042A 1986-06-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1748, ..., 1755 (Strela-1M #305, ..., 312)
COSMOS 1749 1986-042B 1986-06-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1748, ..., 1755 (Strela-1M #305, ..., 312)
COSMOS 1750 1986-042C 1986-06-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1748, ..., 1755 (Strela-1M #305, ..., 312)
COSMOS 1751 1986-042D 1986-06-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1748, ..., 1755 (Strela-1M #305, ..., 312)
COSMOS 1752 1986-042E 1986-06-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1748, ..., 1755 (Strela-1M #305, ..., 312)
COSMOS 1753 1986-042F 1986-06-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1748, ..., 1755 (Strela-1M #305, ..., 312)
COSMOS 1754 1986-042G 1986-06-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1748, ..., 1755 (Strela-1M #305, ..., 312)
COSMOS 1755 1986-042H 1986-06-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1748, ..., 1755 (Strela-1M #305, ..., 312)
COSMOS 1794 1986-092A 1986-11-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1794, ..., 1801 (Strela-1M #313, ..., 320)
COSMOS 1795 1986-092B 1986-11-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1794, ..., 1801 (Strela-1M #313, ..., 320)
COSMOS 1796 1986-092C 1986-11-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1794, ..., 1801 (Strela-1M #313, ..., 320)
COSMOS 1797 1986-092D 1986-11-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1794, ..., 1801 (Strela-1M #313, ..., 320)
COSMOS 1798 1986-092E 1986-11-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1794, ..., 1801 (Strela-1M #313, ..., 320)
COSMOS 1799 1986-092F 1986-11-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1794, ..., 1801 (Strela-1M #313, ..., 320)
COSMOS 1800 1986-092G 1986-11-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1794, ..., 1801 (Strela-1M #313, ..., 320)
COSMOS 1801 1986-092H 1986-11-21 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1794, ..., 1801 (Strela-1M #313, ..., 320)
COSMOS 1852 1987-051A 1987-06-16 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1852, ..., 1859 (Strela-1M #321, ..., 328)
COSMOS 1853 1987-051B 1987-06-16 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1852, ..., 1859 (Strela-1M #321, ..., 328)
COSMOS 1854 1987-051C 1987-06-16 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1852, ..., 1859 (Strela-1M #321, ..., 328)
COSMOS 1855 1987-051D 1987-06-16 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1852, ..., 1859 (Strela-1M #321, ..., 328)
COSMOS 1856 1987-051E 1987-06-16 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1852, ..., 1859 (Strela-1M #321, ..., 328)
COSMOS 1857 1987-051F 1987-06-16 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1852, ..., 1859 (Strela-1M #321, ..., 328)
COSMOS 1858 1987-051G 1987-06-16 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1852, ..., 1859 (Strela-1M #321, ..., 328)
COSMOS 1859 1987-051H 1987-06-16 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1852, ..., 1859 (Strela-1M #321, ..., 328)
COSMOS 1924 1988-016A 1988-03-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1924, ..., 1931 (Strela-1M #329, ..., 336)
COSMOS 1925 1988-016B 1988-03-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1924, ..., 1931 (Strela-1M #329, ..., 336)
COSMOS 1926 1988-016C 1988-03-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1924, ..., 1931 (Strela-1M #329, ..., 336)
COSMOS 1927 1988-016D 1988-03-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1924, ..., 1931 (Strela-1M #329, ..., 336)
COSMOS 1928 1988-016E 1988-03-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1924, ..., 1931 (Strela-1M #329, ..., 336)
COSMOS 1929 1988-016F 1988-03-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1924, ..., 1931 (Strela-1M #329, ..., 336)
COSMOS 1930 1988-016G 1988-03-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1924, ..., 1931 (Strela-1M #329, ..., 336)
COSMOS 1931 1988-016H 1988-03-11 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 1924, ..., 1931 (Strela-1M #329, ..., 336)
COSMOS 2008 1989-025A 1989-03-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2008, ..., 2015 (Strela-1M #337, ..., 344)
COSMOS 2009 1989-025B 1989-03-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2008, ..., 2015 (Strela-1M #337, ..., 344)
COSMOS 2010 1989-025C 1989-03-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2008, ..., 2015 (Strela-1M #337, ..., 344)
COSMOS 2011 1989-025D 1989-03-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2008, ..., 2015 (Strela-1M #337, ..., 344)
COSMOS 2012 1989-025E 1989-03-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2008, ..., 2015 (Strela-1M #337, ..., 344)
COSMOS 2013 1989-025F 1989-03-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2008, ..., 2015 (Strela-1M #337, ..., 344)
COSMOS 2014 1989-025G 1989-03-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2008, ..., 2015 (Strela-1M #337, ..., 344)
COSMOS 2015 1989-025H 1989-03-24 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2008, ..., 2015 (Strela-1M #337, ..., 344)
COSMOS 2064 1990-029A 1990-04-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2064, ..., 2071 (Strela-1M #345, ..., 352)
COSMOS 2065 1990-029B 1990-04-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2064, ..., 2071 (Strela-1M #345, ..., 352)
COSMOS 2066 1990-029C 1990-04-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2064, ..., 2071 (Strela-1M #345, ..., 352)
COSMOS 2067 1990-029D 1990-04-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2064, ..., 2071 (Strela-1M #345, ..., 352)
COSMOS 2068 1990-029E 1990-04-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2064, ..., 2071 (Strela-1M #345, ..., 352)
COSMOS 2069 1990-029F 1990-04-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2064, ..., 2071 (Strela-1M #345, ..., 352)
COSMOS 2070 1990-029G 1990-04-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2064, ..., 2071 (Strela-1M #345, ..., 352)
COSMOS 2071 1990-029H 1990-04-06 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2064, ..., 2071 (Strela-1M #345, ..., 352)
COSMOS 2125 1991-009A 1991-02-12 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2125, ..., 2132 (Strela-1M #353, ..., 360)
COSMOS 2126 1991-009B 1991-02-12 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2125, ..., 2132 (Strela-1M #353, ..., 360)
COSMOS 2127 1991-009C 1991-02-12 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2125, ..., 2132 (Strela-1M #353, ..., 360)
COSMOS 2128 1991-009D 1991-02-12 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2125, ..., 2132 (Strela-1M #353, ..., 360)
COSMOS 2129 1991-009E 1991-02-12 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2125, ..., 2132 (Strela-1M #353, ..., 360)
COSMOS 2130 1991-009F 1991-02-12 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2125, ..., 2132 (Strela-1M #353, ..., 360)
COSMOS 2131 1991-009G 1991-02-12 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2125, ..., 2132 (Strela-1M #353, ..., 360)
COSMOS 2132 1991-009H 1991-02-12 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2125, ..., 2132 (Strela-1M #353, ..., 360)
COSMOS 2187 1992-030A 1992-06-03 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2187, ..., 2194 (Strela-1M #361, ..., 368)
COSMOS 2188 1992-030B 1992-06-03 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2187, ..., 2194 (Strela-1M #361, ..., 368)
COSMOS 2189 1992-030C 1992-06-03 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2187, ..., 2194 (Strela-1M #361, ..., 368)
COSMOS 2190 1992-030D 1992-06-03 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2187, ..., 2194 (Strela-1M #361, ..., 368)
COSMOS 2191 1992-030E 1992-06-03 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2187, ..., 2194 (Strela-1M #361, ..., 368)
COSMOS 2192 1992-030F 1992-06-03 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2187, ..., 2194 (Strela-1M #361, ..., 368)
COSMOS 2193 1992-030G 1992-06-03 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2187, ..., 2194 (Strela-1M #361, ..., 368)
COSMOS 2194 1992-030H 1992-06-03 PKMTR Kosmos-3M with Kosmos 2187, ..., 2194 (Strela-1M #361, ..., 368)