Official name SALYUT 3
Alternative name Salyut 3
Cospar ID 1974-046A
Norad ID 7342
Launch date 1974-06-24
Launch site TTMTR
Launch vehicle Proton-K
Country/Organization USSR
Type application Space station
Decay date 1975-01-24
Shape Cyl + 3 Pan
Mass (kg) 18334.99
Diameter (m) 4.15
Height (m) 13.99
Span (m^2) 14.5
Contractors NPO Machinostroenye
Configuration OPS type
Power 2 deployable fixed solar arrays, batteries

Salyut 3 [NPO Machinostroenye]

OPS (Orbitalnaya Pilotiruemaya Stanziya)

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
SALYUT 2 1973-017A 1973-04-03 TTMTR Proton-K with KSI 1
SALYUT 3 1974-046A 1974-06-24 TTMTR Proton-K with KSI 2
SALYUT 5 1976-057A 1976-06-22 TTMTR Proton-K with KSI 3