Official name SYMPHONIE 1
Alternative name Symphonie A
Cospar ID 1974-101A
Norad ID 7578
Launch date 1974-12-19
Launch site AFETR
Launch vehicle Delta-2914
Country/Organization France, Germany
Type application Communication
Operator CNES, DFVLR
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 1440.85
Inclination (deg) 6.54
Perigee (km) 35873
Apogee (km) 35886
Eccentricity 0.000181161944843156
Mean motion (revs. per day) 0.999410070444529
Semi-Major axis (km) 42257.635
Raan (deg) 286.6729
Arg of perigee (deg) 127.3896
Shape Hex Cyl + 3 Pan
Mass (kg) 219.03
Diameter (m) 1.85
Height (m) 0.58
Span (m^2) 6.8
Lifetime 5 years
Contractors CIFAS/Aerospatiale consortium
Equipment 140 MHz transponder, C-band transponder
Propulsion S400
Configuration Hexagonal body, 3-axis stabilized
Power 3 deployable fixed solar arrays, batteries

The initial European experience with GEO telecommunications began in 1967 when a joint venture was signed by France and Germany to develop two experimental Symphonie satellites.

The small (230 kg in orbit) spacecraft with 3-axis stabilization and two 6/4 GHz transponders were launched by the US in 1974 and 1975. The Symphonie system was highly successful in providing telecommunications links throughout Europe and to other continents. Both spacecraft far exceeded the 5-year design life span and were transferred to graveyard orbits in 1983 and 1985, respectively.

The Symphonie satellites were initially planned to be launched on Europa-2 launch vehicles, but due to the unavailability after several launch failures, they were finally launched on american Delta-2914 rockets instead.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
SYMPHONIE 1 1974-101A 1974-12-19 AFETR Delta-2914
SYMPHONIE 2 1975-077A 1975-08-27 AFETR Delta-2914