Official name OPS 9436 (DSCS 2-6)
Alternative name DSCS-2 6 (OPS 9436)
Cospar ID 1975-040B
Norad ID 7808
Launch date 1975-05-20
Launch site AFETR
Launch vehicle Titan-3(23)C
Country/Organization USA
Type application Communication
Operator US Air Force (USAF)
Decay date 1975-05-26
Shape Cyl
Mass (kg) 559.96
Diameter (m) 2.74
Height (m) 3.6
Span (m^2) 3.6
Lifetime 5 years
Contractors TRW
Equipment 2 X-Band transponders
Propulsion ?
Configuration Spin-stabilization, despun antennas
Power Solar cells, batteries

DSCS-2 (Defense Satellite Communications System 2) provides secure voice and data communications for the US military. The contract was managed by the DCA (Defense Communications Agency) for the USAF.

These satellites are the follow-on program to the first generation IDCSP (IDSCS, DSCS-1) satellites, but are operated from a real geostationary orbit.

The DSCS-2 spacecraft are spin stabilized with a despun antenna platform. Body mounted solar cells produced 535 watts. Three NiCd batteries provide 36 AHr total. Hydrazine propulsion system. The payload consisted of two 20 Watt X-Band transponders with 500 MHz bandwidths. Steerable narrow beam antennas and drive mechanism for communications privacy. Capacity is 1300 voice channels or 100 Mbps of data. Compatible with ground-portable units.

DSCS-2 satellites were injected directly into GEO by the Titan-3(23)C launch vehicle without the need to incorporate an apogee kick engine.

DSCS-2 4 remained in use as a test asset for more than 25 years. The last satellite, DSCS-2 15, was deactivated in 2008.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
OPS 9431 (DSCS 2-1) 1971-095A 1971-11-03 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 2
OPS 9432 (DSCS 2-2) 1971-095B 1971-11-03 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 1
OPS 9433 (DSCS 2-3) 1973-100A 1973-12-13 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 4
OPS 9434 (DSCS 2-4) 1973-100B 1973-12-13 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 3
OPS 9435 (DSCS 2-5) 1975-040A 1975-05-20 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 6
OPS 9436 (DSCS 2-6) 1975-040B 1975-05-20 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 5
OPS 9437 (DSCS 2-7) 1977-034A 1977-05-12 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 8
OPS 9438 (DSCS 2-8) 1977-034B 1977-05-12 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 7
OPS 9441 (DSCS 2-11) 1978-113A 1978-12-14 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 12
OPS 9442 (DSCS 2-12) 1978-113B 1978-12-14 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 11
OPS 9443 (DSCS 2-13) 1979-098A 1979-11-21 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 14
OPS 9444 (DSCS 2-14) 1979-098B 1979-11-21 AFETR Titan-3(23)C with DSCS-2 13
DSCS 2-15 1982-106A 1982-10-30 AFETR Titan-34D IUS with DSCS-3 A1
USA 43 1989-069A 1989-09-04 AFETR Titan-34D Transtage with DSCS-3 A2