Official name TIP 3
Alternative name TIP 3
Cospar ID 1976-089A
Norad ID 9403
Launch date 1976-09-01
Launch site AFWTR
Launch vehicle Scout-D1
Country/Organization USA
Type application Navigation
Operator USN
Decay date 1981-05-30
Shape Cyl + Sphere
Mass (kg) 93.16
Diameter (m) 0.59
Height (m) 7.29
Span (m^2) 30
Contractors JHU/APL
Equipment ?
Propulsion Pulsed plasma thrusters
Configuration Transit-Bus, Gravity Stabilized
Power 4 deployable fixed solar arrays, batteries

The TIP 2 and 3 (Transit Improvement Program) satellites used a simplified form of the Triad 1 drag correction system. Pulsed plasma thrusters were used for drag correction maneuvers. The satellites were used operationally in the Transit navigation system. Slightly improved versions were built as Nova.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
TIP 2 1975-099A 1975-10-12 AFWTR Scout-D1
TIP 3 1976-089A 1976-09-01 AFWTR Scout-D1