Official name OSCAR 17 (DOVE)
Alternative name DOVE
Cospar ID 1990-005E
Norad ID 20440
Launch date 1990-01-22
Launch site FRGUI
Launch vehicle Ariane-40 H10
Country/Organization Brazil
Type application Amateur radio communication
Operator BRAMSAT
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 100.43
Inclination (deg) 98.89
Perigee (km) 771
Apogee (km) 787
Eccentricity 0.0102695763799743
Mean motion (revs. per day) 14.3383451160012
Semi-Major axis (km) 7157.135
Raan (deg) 184.186
Arg of perigee (deg) 137.459
Shape Hex Poly
Mass (kg) 11.89
Height (m) 0.23
Width (m) 0.23
Depth (m) 0.23
Span (m^2) 0.23
Lifetime 6 years (design); 8 years (achieved)
Propulsion None
Configuration AMSAT-NA Microsat
Power Solar cells, batteries

DOVE (Digital Orbiting Voice Encoder) or DO 17 (DOVE OSCAR) was an AMSAT-Brazil (BRAMSAT) amateur microsatellite.

The project was initialized by radio amateur Junior Torres de Castro.

It has a Digital Orbiting Voice Encoder (DOVE), designed to provide synthesised voice messages of telemetry for educational institutions. It is box shaped with dimensions of 213 × 230 × 230 mm, with solar panels on the faces of the cube and weighs 12.92 kg.

DOVE was launched as on eof six secondary payloads on the first ARIANE ASAP flight V35 with SPOT-2, on the 22 January 1990 into an 780 km sun-synchronous, 98 degree inclined orbit.

After a troubled life to commission the satellite, DOVE's batteries failed in March 1998. When the satellite is aligned favorably with the sun it still transmits.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
OSCAR 17 (DOVE) 1990-005E 1990-01-22 FRGUI Ariane-40 H10 with SPOT 2, UoSAT 3, Uosat 4, Webersat, PACSAT, LUSAT