Official name OPS 1117 (TRANSIT 12)
Alternative name Transit 12 (NNS 30080, OPS 1117)
Cospar ID 1966-024A
Norad ID 2119
Launch date 1966-03-26
Launch site AFWTR
Launch vehicle Scout-A
Country/Organization USA
Type application Navigation
Operator USN
Decay date ON ORBIT
Period (min) 104.73
Inclination (deg) 89.63
Perigee (km) 872
Apogee (km) 1091
Eccentricity 0.111563932755986
Mean motion (revs. per day) 13.7496419364079
Semi-Major axis (km) 7359.635
Raan (deg) 117.3133
Arg of perigee (deg) 30.6763
Shape Oct Cyl + 4 Pan + 1 Rod
Mass (kg) 50.8
Diameter (m) 0.457
Height (m) 0.254
Span (m^2) 30
Contractors Naval Avionics Facility (#1-3, 5, 7); Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) (#4, 6, 8-17); RCA (#18 - 32)
Equipment ?
Propulsion ?
Configuration Transit-Bus, Gravity Stabilized
Power 4 deployable fixed solar arrays, batteries

The Transit-O series of navigation satellites that closely followed the design of Transit 5C-1 were also called “Oscars” (Oscar is the phonetic alphabet for “O”, i. e., operational). They were also called NNS (Navy Navigation Satellite) or shortened NavSat.

The Transit-O series had one important change: Hysteresis rods were installed on the solar panels to dampen the residual motion after the satellite despin operation in orbit following launch).

The original plan was for the Oscar satellites to be built by the Naval Avionics Facility at Indianapolis (NAFI), and NAFI did build Oscars 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7. All except Oscar 3 reached orbit. However, the fabrication of the satellites did not meet specifications, and those that achieved orbit operated only a few weeks. After Oscars 1 and 2 failed to operate more than a few days, the Navy sponsor decided that APL would refurbish the subsystems built by NAFI for Oscars 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10, and then assemble and launch them. These satellites worked for 7 to 11 months in orbit. APL built Oscars 11 through 17 while the Navy sought a production contractor. Ultimately, RCA was selected and produced all satellites beginning with Oscar 18. The failures of Oscars 4, 6, 8, and 9 were due to several factors considered to be workmanship-related. For Oscar 10, a decrease in the number of solar cells available for charging the batteries was caused by thermal working of the solar cell interconnections as the satellite passed through the Sun and shade while orbiting the Earth. The problem was fixed on Oscar 12, which was the next operational satellite launched. Oscar 11 was not used at this time. It was later modified and launched as the satellite designated TRANSAT to perform related experiments. Beginning with Oscar 12, the satellites demonstrated an average orbital lifetime of more than 14 years. Two satellites, Oscars 13 and 20, operated for more than 20 years. Oscar 17 provides an interesting side note in the history of Transit. The satellite was turned over to the National Air and Space Museum in 1976 and was displayed to the public for more than 8 years. In 1984, it was refurbished at APL and launched as the Polar Bear (Polar Beacon Experiment and Auroral Research satellite) to collect data for studying communications over the Earth's polar regions. When the Navy contracted with RCA to build the Oscars, the satellite lifetimes were expected to be about 14 months. After RCA built Oscars 18 through 32, it became clear that the orbital lifetimes were much longer than anticipated so satellite production ceased. All unlaunched satellites were placed in containers for long-term storage at RCA. The row of gray containers became known as “the long gray line.”

By the late 1980s, the Scout-G1 rocket was able to launch about 260 lb into Transit's operational orbit. After a feasibility investigation by APL, the Navy awarded RCA a contract to launch two Oscar satellites on the same launch vehicle. This dual-launch method was called "stacked Oscars on Scout" (SOOS). This method allowed the remaining Transits to be stored in space and to be activated when needed.

Transit was superseded by the GPS global positioning system. The use of the satellites for navigation was discontinued at the end of 1996 but the satellites continued transmitting and became the Navy Ionospheric Monitoring System (NIMS).

Transit-O 22 was in 1992 intentionally destroyed on the ground in the Satellite Orbital debris Characterization Impact Test (SOCIT).

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
OPS 5798 (TRANSIT 5B-4) 1964-063B 1964-10-06 AFWTR Thor-DSV2A Able-Star with Dragsphere 1, Dragsphere 2
OPS 6582 (TRANSIT 5B-5) 1964-083D 1964-12-13 AFWTR Thor-DSV2A Able-Star with Transit-5E 5
OPS 7087 1965-017A 1965-03-11 AFWTR Thor-DSV2A Able-Star with SECOR 2
OPS 8480 (TRANSIT 5B-6) 1965-048A 1965-06-24 AFWTR Thor-DSV2A Able-Star
OPS 8464 (TRANSIT 5B-7) 1965-065F 1965-08-13 AFWTR Thor-DSV2A Able-Star with Tempsat 1, Dodecapole 2, Long Rod, Surcal 5, Calsphere 2
OPS 1509 (TRANSIT 10) 1965-109A 1965-12-22 AFWTR Scout-A
OPS 1593 (TRANSIT 11) 1966-005A 1966-01-28 AFWTR Scout-A
OPS 1117 (TRANSIT 12) 1966-024A 1966-03-26 AFWTR Scout-A
OPS 0082 (TRANSIT 13) 1966-041A 1966-05-19 AFWTR Scout-A
OPS 2366 (TRANSIT 14) 1966-076A 1966-08-18 AFWTR Scout-A
OPS 0100 (TRANSIT 15) 1967-034A 1967-04-14 AFWTR Scout-A
OPS 7218 (TRANSIT 16) 1967-048A 1967-05-18 AFWTR Scout-A
OPS 4947 (TRANSIT 17) 1967-092A 1967-09-25 AFWTR Scout-A
OPS 7034 (TRANSIT 18) 1968-012A 1968-03-02 AFWTR Scout-A
NNSS 19 (TRANSIT 19) 1970-067A 1970-08-27 AFWTR Scout-A
NNSS 20 (TRANSIT 20) 1973-081A 1973-10-30 AFWTR Scout-A1
OSCAR 30 1985-066A 1985-08-03 AFWTR Scout-G1 with Transit-O 30
OSCAR 24 1985-066B 1985-08-03 AFWTR Scout-G1 with Transit-O 24
OSCAR 27 1987-080A 1987-09-16 AFWTR Scout-G1 with Transit-O 29
OSCAR 29 1987-080B 1987-09-16 AFWTR Scout-G1 with Transit-O 27
OSCAR 23 1988-033A 1988-04-26 AFWTR Scout-G1 with Transit-O 32
OSCAR 32 1988-033B 1988-04-26 AFWTR Scout-G1 with Transit-O 23
OSCAR 25 1988-074A 1988-08-25 AFWTR Scout-G1 with Transit-O 31
OSCAR 31 1988-074B 1988-08-25 AFWTR Scout-G1 with Transit-O 25