Official name OPS 1967
Alternative name Hitch-hiker 14 (OPS 1967)
Cospar ID 1967-043B
Norad ID 2780
Launch date 1967-05-09
Launch site AFWTR
Launch vehicle Thorad-SLV2G Agena-D
Country/Organization USA
Type application ELINT, SIGINT
Operator US Air Force (USAF)
Decay date 1993-03-14
Shape Box
Mass (kg) 105
Height (m) 0.3
Width (m) 0.9
Depth (m) 0.9
Span (m^2) 0.9
Contractors Lockheed (bus); Sylvania Electromagnetic Development Lab (Fanion payload); Electromagnetic Systems Lab (Slewto payload)
Equipment ?
Propulsion Kick motor
Configuration P-11 bus
Power Solar cells, batteries

The Fanion Slewto satellite was part of a series of so called Program 11 or P-11 "Subsatellite Ferrets", low orbit ELINT/SIGINT satellites to pinpoint and characterize different Radar emitters in the Soviet Union and Warsaw pact states.

The satellites were based on Lockheed's P-11 bus, which was designed to fit on the aft rack of the Agena-D upper stage. The bus contained each one or two focused payload black boxes and different antenna configurations according to payload, as well as deployable solar arrays. The satellite featured two solid rocket motors, which allowed them to rise and circularize their orbit after deployment from the host satellite. Both spin or gravity gradient stabilization was possible.

Fanion was a SIGINT mission targeted at EOB and Slewto was targeted at Hen House radars. Fanion derived a pencil beam from a Milss-Cross antenna pattern using two receivers and compared outputs. An accurate pointing angle measurements resulted when the satellite spun the crossing fan beams directly at the emitter.

This subsatellite was deployed from the propulsion rack of the Agena-D stage of a KH-4A Corona reconnaissance satellite. It used two solid-fuel kick-motors to maneuver itself into its operational orbit after deployment.

Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
OPS 1967 1967-043B 1967-05-09 AFWTR Thorad-SLV2G Agena-D with KH-4A 41